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Set up your SDS Flow


Make sure you have the Flow app enabled

  1. Go to and sign in with your Global Admin Account.
  2. Select on Admin tile.
  3. Select on Users, then Active Users.
  4. Search for your Admin account in “Search users” box.
  5. Select on your account.
  6. Find Product Licenses and select Edit.
  7. Ensure "Flow for Office 365" is enabled.


The File System connector can only be set up or modified from within the template creation process. If there is ever any changes needed to the File System; including Username, Password, or Folder location, you will need to recreate the Flow entirely.

Step 1: Set up your Template

  1. Launch a private browser and go to Then sign in with your Global Admin Account. Your account should be the same as the one you used to set up the gateway on Step 1-5 of Configuring CSV File Location.

  2. Once logged in, navigate to the Templates tab on the left side and search for School Data Sync.


  1. Choose the School Data Sync Template to automate CSV file upload. Not the SFTP template.

choose the SDS template to automate CSV file upload.

  1. Select Create for the File System connector. This will prompt you to set up a new File System connector.


If you already have a File System available, you will need to click on the ellipsis and choose to create a new connector.

!Select on the ellipsis and choose to create a new connector.](images/set-up-your-microsoft-flow-for-sds-2.png)

  1. Select Create to begin the creation process. This will use the Data Gateway and the Local Service Account sign-in credentials to access the CSV file folder location.

select create to begin creation process.

  1. Name the Connection however you choose. It's recommended to name it something related to its function.

  2. In the Root Folder, enter the path to your CSV File Folder you've created previously. In our example, we're using "C:\CSV_Files".

  3. Authentication Type should be set to Windows by default.

  4. Username is the Full username for the Service account created previously including the machine name. Our example is using DESKTOP-SD85O7N\SDSServiceAccount.

  5. Enter the Password for that local service account.

  6. Select the Gateway that was set up previously.

  7. Select create.

select create.

  1. Select Continue to begin the Flow Creation/Customization process.

Step 2: Get the SDS Profile ID

  1. Go to the SDS portal at Select on the profile you want to use. If you haven't yet created a profile, follow the relevant instructions on the How to Deploy SDS by using CSV files.

  2. At the bottom of your Profile page, you'll find the Profile Id/Instance ID, which in our example is e37e90dd-f495-4420-bd80-4b98d9922c36. Copy it so it can be used in Step 3.

copy the profile id.

Step 3: Setting up Flow

  1. Go back to the Flow website where we left off.

  2. If desired, change the "Trigger: Recurrence Frequency" for the specific time of day and how often you wish the sync to run. We recommend running the flow no more than once per day. Below example will run at 2 am CST every day.

if desired, change the trigger recurrence frequency.

  1. Paste in the Profile/Instance ID into the Value area of the next function.

paste in the profile/ instance ID.

  1. Place the full file path within the Folder area of the "List files in folder" block that is within the "Upload Files" section. To verify the connection is correct you can select on the Folder image at the end of the box, and then the arrow. This should only have the text "No Items" within it.

Place the full file path within the Folder area of the "List files in folder" block that is within the "Upload Files" section.

  1. Select save and then test the connector by selecting Test on the top right of the page. Choose "I'll perform the trigger action" then save and test. Finally confirm by selecting "Run Flow" to test your flow.

Select save and then test the connector by selecting Test on the top right of the page.

  1. Ideally, the flow should run and you should see all green check marks stating that everything was successful. If there are issues, reach out to SDS Support or your deployment manager.

If there are issues, please reach out to [SDS Support](


This only uploads the files to the SDS Profile. It does not verify that the upload was successful. Please check your SDS profile to confirm that the validation and sync process continues normally.

Post Set up Tasks

Find out how to monitor CSV sync automation