Managing newsletter subscriptions within Services Hub

As part of an organization’s Unified Support or Premier Support agreement, your account team may provide product updates from Microsoft on diverse topics. If your organization is eligible, users can opt in to receive these updates automatically from Microsoft, based on the frequency of their communication. This allows individual users to manage their own communication preferences so that they stay informed of the topics relevant to them.

Manage your newsletter subscriptions

From the Profile menu in the top right of Services Hub, select Profile. Users whose company is subscribed to receive automated newsletters will see the option for Newsletters under the Communications section. To learn more about Admin newsletter actions, visit the Admin Center newsletter actions documentation.

Communications section in Profile page.

To manage your subscriptions, click the Edit button in the Communications section. This will launch the flyout panel where you can set your preferences for Services Hub email updates and newsletters and select the toggle for the newsletters you want to receive. Each of the newsletters displays the Name, Language, Frequency, and Description for more context.


Be sure to Save your changes before closing.

Editing your subscriptions for Newsletters and email updates.

You also can Filter the newsletters by selecting the Show Filters button. You can filter by Subscribed status or search for newsletters by Name, Description, Frequency, and Language.

Newsletter filters on Services Hub via communications tab with newsletters.