
Plan your SQL Migration to Azure with confidence | Data Exposed

with Anna Hoffman, Ajith Krishnan

Learn how SQL Discovery and Assessment with Azure Migrate can help you discover your SQL Server instances, build a data driven business case and determine the appropriate Azure SQL target and size. Everything you need to plan your SQL Migration to Azure with confidence.


  • 00:20 - Introductions
  • 00:39 - How do I approach migrations?
  • 01:40 - Agentless Discovery and Evaluation
  • 02:40 - Demo of the process
  • 04:04 - Configuration Properties Manifest
  • 07:01 - Connecting to the local systems
  • 07:26 - Building a migration business case and cost estimations
  • 10:23 - Assessing and migrating your systems to Azure
  • 14:45 - Closing


Azure Database Migration service
Azure SQL Database
SQL Server