Data collection and reporting for SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc

Applies to: SQL Server

This article describes the data that SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc transmits to Microsoft. SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc collects usage data as described in this article and at Monitor Azure Arc-enabled SQL Server.

SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc does not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) or end-user identifiable information or store any customer data.

SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc uses the following products:

  • Azure Arc-enabled servers

SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc

The following data is collected for SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc instances:

Description Property name Property type
SQL Server edition Edition string
Resource ID of the hosting Azure Arc for Servers resource ContainerResourceId string
Time when the resource was created CreateTime string
The number of logical processors used by the SQL Server instance VCore string
Cloud connectivity status Status string
SQL Server update level PatchLevel string
SQL Server collation Collation string
SQL Server current version CurrentVersion string
SQL Server instance name InstanceName string
Dynamic TCP ports used by SQL Server TcpDynamicPorts string
Static TCP ports used by SQL Server TcpStaticPorts string
SQL Server product ID ProductId string
SQL Server provisioning state ProvisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the SQL Server - Azure Arc resource

    "name": "SQL22-EE",
    "version": "SQL Server 2022",
    "edition": "Enterprise",
    "containerResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/arc-eastasia/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/SQL22-EE",
    "vCore": "8",
    "status": "Connected",
    "patchLevel": "16.0.1000.6",
    "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
    "currentVersion": "16.0.1000.6",
    "instanceName": "SQL22-EE",
    "tcpDynamicPorts": "61394",
    "tcpStaticPorts": "",
    "productId": "00488-00010-05000-AB944",
    "licenseType": "PAYG",
    "azureDefenderStatusLastUpdated": "2023-02-08T07:57:37.5597421Z",
    "azureDefenderStatus": "Protected",
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"

SQL Server database - Azure Arc

Description Property name Property type
Database name name string
Collation collationName string
Database creation date databaseCreationDate System.DateTime
Compatibility level compatibilityLevel string
Database state state string
Readonly mode isReadOnly boolean
Recovery mode recoveryMode boolean
Auto close enabled isAutoCloseOn boolean
Auto shrink enabled isAutoShrinkOn boolean
Auto create stats enabled isAutoCreateStatsOn boolean
Auto update stats enabled isAutoUpdateStatsOn boolean
Remote data archive enabled isRemoteDataArchiveEnabled boolean
Memory optimization enabled isMemoryOptimizationEnabled boolean
Encryption enabled isEncrypted boolean
Trustworthy mode enabled isTrustworthyOn boolean
Backup information backupInformation object
Provisioning state provisioningState string

The following JSON document is an example of the SQL Server database - Azure Arc resource.

    "name": "newDb80",
    "collationName": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS",
    "databaseCreationDate": "2023-01-09T03:40:45Z",
    "compatibilityLevel": 150,
    "state": "Online",
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "recoveryMode": "Full",
    "databaseOptions": {
        "isAutoCloseOn": false,
        "isAutoShrinkOn": false,
        "isAutoCreateStatsOn": true,
        "isAutoUpdateStatsOn": true,
        "isRemoteDataArchiveEnabled": false,
        "isMemoryOptimizationEnabled": true,
        "isEncrypted": false,
        "isTrustworthyOn": false
    "backupInformation": {},
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"