Microsoft Learn for Dynamics 365 Commerce

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce

Deliver unified, personalized, and seamless buying experiences for customers and partners.

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An isometric illustration of technical components for commerce services.

Dynamics 365 Commerce Overview

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce delivers a complete omnichannel solution that unifies back-office, in-store, and digital experiences to personalize customer engagement, increase employee productivity, optimize operations, and deliver better business outcomes.

Your path to getting started with Dynamics 365 Commerce

Get started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce

Work through online guided trainings paths at your own pace. As you journey through the modules, you will be exposed to some of the skills you need to help you earn credentials.

Deploy Dynamics 365 Commerce

Learn how to deploy Dynamics 365 Commerce environments and perform post-provisioning steps, for successful Commerce implementations using the correct topology for each retailer's business needs.

Extend your Dynamics 365 Commerce solution

Move past the basics and learn how to configure Dynamics 365 commerce to work with various solutions to meet your business needs.

A mother with her toddler on her lap, working on a laptop. Sunlight streams in behind her.

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