Monitor learner progress with comprehensive data


A truly inclusive learning environment is responsive to all learners' academic and emotional needs. Effective data collection and evaluation are integral elements to designing and refining a responsive learning environment. A holistic approach to data considers the totality of each learner’s experience, at school and at home, and prioritizes their social-emotional needs. Through comprehensive data practices, educators and learning communities ensure that instructional practices and the overall design of the instructional program meet the needs of every learner. For learners with differing learning needs, quick access to the most up-to-date data supports the selection and implementation of the most meaningful interventions for each student. With the support of Microsoft tools, spend less time collecting data and more time using it. Read Data-driven decision making in education: 11 tips to learn more. 

Leverage these Microsoft tools for data-informed decision-making: 

Insights: Provides educators and school leaders with clear and meaningful intelligence regarding students' academic progress across multiple dimensions. Real-time aggregate data empowers educators to proactively monitor students' academic progress and identify trends across specific student populations.

Demo Tours is the website for the Microsoft Education Interactive Demos referenced in the video.

Reflect app: Embedded within Microsoft Teams, the Reflect app provides a daily opportunity to monitor students' social-emotional wellness and engagement. 

Forms: Provide a platform for educators to easily design course assessments and check-ins with Forms and immediately access aggregated data.

Reading Progress: This is powerful tool independently tracks students' reading progress. Through Teams' assignments, students are empowered to independently record themselves reading an appropriate-level text. Then, educators receive detailed analysis for each student across multiple areas of reading fluency. This detailed data informs the selection of reading interventions and supports for students.

Clear data helps educators get to know their students better. With the tools above, there is a comprehensive snapshot of each student's complete educational experience. Use Microsoft data tools to identify specific areas of growth, implement interventions, and track progress of all learners.