Exercise - Create a Helm chart for deployment


In this unit, you create a Helm chart to deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) by using GitHub Actions. To create the Helm chart, you complete the following tasks:

  • Check the Helm installation.
  • Create a chart.
  • Configure the chart.
  • Create a deployment.
  • Create an empty YAML file.
  • Add contents to the YAML file.
  • Create a service.
  • Create an ingress.
  • Create a DNS zone name.

Check the Helm installation and update the repo

The Helm CLI is already installed in Azure Cloud Shell. If you don't already have Cloud Shell open, sign in to Cloud Shell and make sure Bash is set as the Cloud Shell terminal.

  1. Run helm version to make sure the displayed Helm version is greater than 3.

  2. Switch to your forked repository for this module by running cd mslearn-aks-deployment-pipeline-github-actions.

  3. Run git pull origin main to pull in your changes from previous units.

Create a Helm chart

Generate a boilerplate Helm template in the kubernetes directory of your repository.

  1. In Cloud Shell, switch to the kubernetes directory:

    cd kubernetes
  2. Use helm create to create a new directory called contoso-website in the kubernetes directory:

    helm create contoso-website
  3. Switch to the new directory with cd.

    cd contoso-website
  4. Delete the charts and templates folders in this directory.

    rm -r charts templates
  5. Create a new empty templates folder.

    mkdir templates
  6. To start building workloads in your empty chart, create a new set of YAML files by moving the existing files in kubernetes to the new templates folder:

    mv ../*.yaml ./templates

You now have a new Helm chart. Next, configure the chart.

Configure the chart

  1. Run cd ../.. to switch to the root of your repository.

  2. Run code . to open the code editor in the current directory.

  3. In the left menu, expand the kubernetes/contoso-website folder, and open the Chart.yaml file. Chart.yaml is the file that names the chart and is where Helm looks for information about the chart.

  4. Remove all the contents of the file except for the first three lines and the chart version, and edit the description so the file looks like this example:

    apiVersion: v2
    name: contoso-website
    description: Chart for the Contoso company website
    version: 0.1.0
  5. Save the file by selecting the top right corner of the editor toolbar and then selecting Save, or by pressing Ctrl+S.

Create a deployment

Add templates for this deployment.

  1. From the left menu, open the deployment.yaml file in the kubernetes/templates folder.

  2. In the main metadata section, add a new key called namespace with the value {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}. The metadata section should look like this example:

      name: contoso-website
      namespace: {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}

    By default, the workflow deploys this resource to the staging namespace, but if the helm install command has a Namespace option, the workflow uses that namespace instead.

  3. Under the template/spec/containers section, replace !IMAGE! with the latest or tag versions from your AKS cluster.

    It's good practice to split up the registry, image, and tag parts of the image name to work with them more easily. Add three new template variables that use the values of Values.image.registry, Values.image.name, and Values.image.tag.

    - image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}.azurecr.io/{{ .Values.image.name }}:{{ default "latest" .Values.image.tag }}

    Your deployment.yaml file should look like the following example:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: contoso-website
      namespace: {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}
          app: contoso-website
            app: contoso-website
            - image: {{ .Values.image.registry }}.azurecr.io/{{ .Values.image.name }}:{{ default "latest" .Values.image.tag }}
              name: contoso-website
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 128Mi
                  cpu: 250m
                  memory: 256Mi
                - containerPort: 80
                  name: http
  4. Save the file.

Add content to the values.yaml file

Earlier, you used {{ .Release.Namespace }}, so Release is a variable scope. Each variable scope has different default values and variables. The values.yaml file is another variable scope. Helm uses the values.yaml file to retrieve all the template values that start with {{ .Values }}.

This file should have the same structure as the file you use to call the variables. Take a quick look at your edited deployment.yaml file to see the structure. Notice that you used .Values.image.registry, .Values.image.name, and .Values.image.tag in the deployment.yaml file.

  1. In the root of the contoso-website directory, open the values.yaml file.

  2. Delete all contents in the file, so you have an empty YAML file.

  3. Add the following content to the empty file, replacing the <ACR-NAME> placeholder with your Azure Container Registry name.

      registry: <ACR-NAME>
      name: contoso-website
      tag: latest

    These values are the default if you don't pass a different value as a parameter by using the --set option of the Helm command.

  4. Save the file.

Create a service

  1. Open the service.yaml file in the templates folder.

  2. In the metadata section of the file, add a new key called namespace that uses the same value that you used in the deployment.yaml file.

       namespace: {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}

    Your service.yaml file should look like the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: contoso-website
      namespace: {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}
        - port: 80
          protocol: TCP
          targetPort: http
          name: http
        app: contoso-website
      type: ClusterIP
  3. Save the file.

Create an ingress

  1. Open the ingress.yaml file.

  2. In the metadata section of the file, again add the namespace value that you used in the deployment.yaml file.

  3. Go to the host key. You create separate hosts for staging and production deployments, so users can't access the staging namespace by using production URLs. Concatenate the namespace in the host name. The HTTP application routing add-on in the AKS cluster handles name resolution.

           - host: contoso-{{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}.!DNS!
  4. Replace !DNS! with a new template variable for your DNS zone name.

           - host: contoso-{{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}.{{ .Values.dns.name }}

    Your final ingress.yaml file should look like the following example:

    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: contoso-website
      namespace: {{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: addon-http-application-routing
        - host: contoso-{{ default "staging" .Release.Namespace }}.{{ .Values.dns.name }}
              - backend:
                    name: contoso-website
                      name: http
                path: /
                pathType: Prefix
  5. Save the file.

Add a DNS zone name value

  1. Open the values.yaml file and add a dns.name key after the image key. Replace <ACR-NAME> with your Container Registry name and <DNS-NAME> with your AKS DNS Zone Name from the setup script output. Your file should look like the following example:

      registry: <ACR-NAME>
      name: contoso-website
      tag: latest
      name: <DNS-NAME>

    If you don't have your DNS zone name from the original setup script output, run the following Azure CLI query in a different Cloud Shell window to get it, replacing the <resource-group-name> placeholder with your resource group name.

    az aks show -g <resource-group-name> -n contoso-website -o tsv --query addonProfiles.httpApplicationRouting.config.HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName
  2. Save the file.

Push your changes

Close the Cloud Shell Editor by selecting the upper right corner of the editor toolbar and then selecting Close Editor.

To push all the changes to your fork, run the following commands in Cloud Shell in order:

git add .
git commit -m "Add helm"
git push -u origin main

When prompted, provide the PAT you created earlier as the password.

Proceed to the next unit to deploy your Helm chart and application to AKS by using GitHub Actions.