Exercise - Secure the connection to an MQTT broker


In this exercise, you'll create the client certificates for the test.mosquitto.org MQTT broker.

Install OpenSSL

Follow the instructions that apply to your operating system:

  • For Linux, you might need to install OpenSSL, which you can do by using your Linux distributions package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, run: sudo apt-get install openssl.

  • For Windows, do either of the following:

    • Download OpenSSL from openssl.org.
    • Use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Depending on the WSL Linux distribution you install, you might need to install OpenSSL, which you can do by using your Linux distributions package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, run: sudo apt-get install openssl.

Delete the existing placeholder certificates

The AltairHL_emulator\certs folder contains three placeholder certificates. The placeholder certificates are required for the build_all validation process. Delete the placeholder certificates, because you'll be creating new certificates for the Altair emulator.

  1. From your computer file manager, go to the AltairHL_emulator\certs folder.

  2. Delete the following three placeholder certificates:

    • ca.crt
    • client.key
    • client.crt

Download the Mosquitto Certificate Authority certificate

  1. Download the Mosquitto Certificate Authority certificate mosquitto.org.crt (PEM format).
  2. Rename the mosquitto.org.crt file to ca.crt.
  3. Copy the ca.crt file to the AltairHL_emulator\certs folder.

Generate the client certificates by using OpenSSL

  1. Generate a private key:

    openssl genrsa -out client.key
  2. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR).

    At a minimum, the CSR must contain values in the Country, Organization, and Common Name fields.

    The common name must match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the MQTT broker. When you're prompted to enter the common name, enter test.mosquitto.org.

    openssl req -out client.csr -key client.key -new
  3. Open the client.csr file in your text editor, copy the CSR to the text box at test.mosquitto.org, and then select Submit.

    The certificate is generated for you to download. It's valid for 90 days only.

  4. Copy the client.key and client.crt files to the AltairHL_emulator\certs folder.

    The AltairHL_emulator\certs folder should now contain three certificate files:

    • ca.crt
    • client.key
    • client.crt