Share data analysis


After you prepare an analysis on a tab, you can share it as a link with coworkers and others in your organization directly from the client. Only recipients who have permission to the company and the data can use the link.

To share data analysis, follow these steps:

  1. On the Analysis 1 tab, select the dropdown arrow and then select  Copy link.

    Screenshot of the Analysis tab with the menu open and Copy link selected.

    The Link to <tab name> dialog opens.

  2. By default, the analysis that you share links to the page or query in the company that you're currently working in, which is indicated by company=<company_name> in the URL field next to the Copy  button. If you want to send a link to an analysis that's not associated with a specific company, set the Company field to  Do not link to a specific company.

    Screenshot showing the analysis link copied.

  3. Select Copy.

  4. Paste the link into the communication media of your choice, such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Teams, OneNote, and so on.

When recipients receive the link, they can select it to open the analysis for the page or query in Business Central. The system prompts them to specify a name for the new analysis tab that it creates.