Exercise - Create the AccidentTable and relationships


In this exercise, you build the main AccidentTable and build out the relationships with the other tables that you created previously.

  1. On the main menu, select Tables.

  2. Select New table > New table.

  3. In the Properties section under Display name enter: AccidentTable.

  4. Switch to the Primary column tab and under Display name enter: AccidentId.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Under the columns and data pane, find and select the AccidentId field and select Edit column.

  7. Change Data type to Autonumber.

  8. Select Save.

  9. Create the AccidentDescription column. Select + (New column) in the columns and data pane.

  10. In the New column pane on the right of the screen, enter/check the following information:

    • Display name - AccidentDescription

    • Data type - Single line of text (default)

    • Required - Business required

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    Select Save.

  11. Add another new column with this information:

    • Display name - AccidentDate

    • Data type - Date and time

    • Format - Date and time

    • Required - Business required

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    Select Save.

  12. Add another new column with the following information:

    • Display name - ManagerComments

    • Data type - Single line of text (default)

    • Required - Optional (default)

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    Save it to continue.

  13. Create a yes/no choice column with this data:

    • Display name - ManagerReviewed

    • Data type - Choice > Yes/no

    • Required - Optional (default)

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    • Choices - No or Yes (defaults)

    • Default choice - No

    Save it. Now for the lookup columns.

  14. Create the LocationId lookup column.

    • Display name - LocationId

    • Data type - Lookup

    • Required - Business required

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    • Related table - LocationTable (enter LocationTable in the search field and select it from the narrowed search list)


      In the Related table dropdown menu, you select which table to look up values from. Selecting LocationTable that you created in the previous exercise will create a many-to-one relationship: many in the AccidentTable to one in the LocationTable.

    Screenshot of the Data type dropdown menu highlighted with the Lookup option selected.

    After you have saved all changes, the relationships that you created in the table will be visible. Save the new column.

  15. Create the AccidentTypeId lookup column.

    • Display name - AccidentTypeId

    • Data type - Lookup

    • Required - Business required

    • Searchable - checked (default)

    • Related table - TypeofAccidentTable (begin typing TypeofAccidentTable and select it).

    Save your new column.


    This selection will create a many-to-one relationship: many in the AccidentTable to one in the AccidentTypeTable.

    Next, we create the many-to-many relationship:

  16. In the Schema pane in the top middle of the Tables screen, select Relationships.

    Screenshot of the AccidentTable with the Relationships option under Schema selected.

  17. Select New relationship from the command bar and then select + Many-to-many.

    Screenshot of the Add relationship dropdown menu with the Many-to-many option highlighted.

  18. The Many-to-many pane appears on the right side of your screen. In the Related (Many) search field, enter EmployeeTable and select the EmployeeTable that you created in the previous exercise.

    By default, Dataverse provides a Relationship name and a Relationship table name. You can choose to update and rename those default names. For this exercise, you can keep the default names.

    Screenshot of the Many-to-many menu with the related Employee Table field highlighted.

  19. When you're finished, select Done.

Your Relationships list shows the other relationships (Many-to-one) that were created when you added the lookup columns in the previous steps. You can filter the list by relationship type to change the view.

Screenshot of the Relationships list with the Display name, Relationship name, Related table, Relationship type. Relationship type is highlighted.

We've now created several tables and have related them together. As we continue to build our Accident Tracking app, in the next learning module, we'll work on Views and Forms for the tables we created in this module. Let's do a quick knowledge check before we continue!