Add the application source code


The Azure Developer CLI (azd) is designed to provision and deploy resources to Azure. In this unit, you'll create the app that the template deploys. App source code conventionally lives in the src directory of the template. Later in the module you'll learn how to configure your template to deploy this app to Azure hosting resources such as App Service.

  1. Open a terminal window in the root directory of your azd template.

  2. Create a new src directory at the root:

    mkdir src
  3. Change directory into the src folder of the template.

    cd src
  4. Create a new directory called web. Subfolders inside of the src directory allow your template to logically group the different parts of your app, such as the frontend and backend services of a web app. The sample web app for this module will only have one code base in a single directory.

    mkdir web
  5. Change the directory to the web folder you just created.

    cd web
  6. Create a new web app using the dotnet new command:

    dotnet new webapp

You should see the app source code populate in your web directory either in the file explorer or in your editor.

A screenshot showing the source code files.

azd can deploy the app to Azure after you complete some additional configurations.