

When you build a web application that deals with data, you'll most likely want to store that data in a database. Fortunately, minimal APIs built on ASP.NET Core can be easily integrated with a large variety of databases by using Entity Framework (EF) Core.

Scenario: Build a prototype

You're a developer on a team. You've built an API that handles create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on a table of data. You plan to build a front-end application that uses that API. You want to store the data in a database so that you can use the data in your front-end application.

What will you learn?

You'll learn how to use EF Core to persist your data, first to an in-memory database and then into SQLite. You'll also learn how to use the EF Core to query the database.

What is the main goal?

Add database support to your minimal API application.