Implement built-in KPIs, charts, and other reporting components


Workspaces can contain main elements, such as those discussed in this module. Workspaces can also include built-in KPIs, charts, and other components that make the user interface experience more efficient and useful. In finance and operations apps, users can create a workspace and add existing elements to a workspace from the user interface.

When adding an element to a workspace from the user interface, you can select the presentation of the data. The presentation types are Tile, List, and Link. The Tile option has additional configuration where you can enter the tile name and display the record count. Before creating the tile, you can filter the form to view only the records that you want to see on the tile. The List option allows you to name the tab and select the list style. You can also select the columns that you want to display. The Link option will create a hyperlink to the workspace so you can quickly access other form.

In the developer environment, developers can create KPI tiles that display calculated measures. To create a KPI in the developer workspace, you can create and modify KPIs by using aggregate data that is contained in aggregate measures. A key benefit of developing KPIs is that after a KPI is defined, users can customize it at run time. To develop and create a KPI in the developer environment you should follow these high-level steps:

  1. Create the KPI object.
  2. Define KPI range, goals, and/or tends.
  3. Create a tile for the KPI to display on.
  4. Add the KPI to the tile.

You can also embed Power BI reports into your workspace. To do this, you will need to populate the local Entity Store database with the appropriate aggregate measurement. You can set up a batch job to periodically update the aggregate measurement. You will then need to connect Power BI to the Entity Store database and choose which tables and views to report on. From there, you can create reports, charts, and dashboards, and then publish the report and pin it to the workspace.