Validate the Microsoft Purview scan


One of the main features of this data stack, is an end to end lineage of data movement through the data estate. If we look at what we have done so far, we can agree that we have our data in container storage and that it has also now moved through CluedIn and back out to the same container storage - but in a different folder. It has come from a folder called raw and we now have a new copy of that data in a folder called mastered.

Because we only ran our scan in Microsoft Purview once, let's run it again.

  1. Go back to your storage account in Microsoft Purview, and create a new scan to run once.

    Now that we have data free flowing from ADLS Gen2 into CluedIn, via Microsoft Purview and then back into ADLS Gen2, we need to validate that Microsoft Purview is also automatically picking up on the mastered data coming out of CluedIn.

  2. Once the scan is complete, refresh your Data Map. You should now see a CluedIn Collection on your data map.

  3. More importantly search Microsoft Purview Assets for Employee. You should see that it has found our Employees.csv in the Raw folder and files in the mastered folder as well.

  4. Select the Employees.csv file first, and select the Lineage. Here we can see that Employees.csv was mapped into an entity type called Employee and that it was also exported out to the same container that it came from in a folder called mastered.

Screenshot of the lineage page for Employees.csv in Microsoft Purview.