Exercise - Conceptualize the design


Complete the Architecture Diagram, Business Apps Used, and Fit Gap tabs in the Project Worksheet

Contoso grew from a small internet store with humorous but honest product review videos, to an internationally recognized brand that delivers quality products in solar, wind, water purification, emergency generators, and insulation. They don't manufacture anything themselves, but instead have rebranded product bundles that go through a distribution center and get new stickers and documentation added.

You're building a solution for an increase in product lines made by your client as they add in a new acquisition, while also expanding the number of vendors available for the same items.

  • The new division has existing applications for customer and order management.
  • The new system only knows about the customer when transferred via an integration that brings in the relevant information to the new solution. Your project includes establishing this integration.
  • About 70% of their product line is direct delivery from the vendor, about 12% is from the distribution center (international vendor, controlled inventory numbers) but not rebranded, and about 18% is repackaged. The CFO doesn't have true product costs when you include purchasing stickers and boxes for multiple products/combos, or labor tracking for removing old packaging, applying the correct product logos, and reloading into custom-printed boxes.
  • Customer sales orders generate an associated need, but product availability may affect which vendor is used for the underlying purchase order.
  • Working across North America, this company understands the fluctuations in government incentives for renewables and wants to be able to run focused marketing campaigns based on changing legislature. (By state or by product type).

Complete the Data Model, Apps Architecture, Automation, and Security Model tabs in the Project Worksheet

Using what you know about the customer and the industry, build a high-level data model. Include the core tables and their relationships.

Review each of the other tabs named here. Evaluate the questions asked and provide your answers.

Complete the ALM tab in the Project Worksheet

Identify how ALM is performed and what Dynamics 365 Finance environments are required. Create a high-level diagram illustrating the different environments and your promotion path between them.

Use the following to influence your ALM strategy:

  • You have a team of five who will be building the solution, two of the team members are code developers.
  • Two people have been assigned to support testing.
  • Each system integrated to send orders to the primary system have at least one tester who tests the integration with your new solution.