

Code Jumper can be used as a standalone curriculum or as part of an existing, beginning computer science program.

The Code Jumper curriculum is in modules so teachers can either go through the curriculum start to finish or use specific lessons to enhance a program already in place. Teachers use Code Jumper in multiple settings such as in the general education classroom as a station for students to rotate to, as a one-on-one experience for a specific student, or a whole-class activity with everyone engaged together.

Photo of students using Code Jumper.

The Code Jumper curriculum has five components to each lesson: 

  • Unplugged lesson
  • Guided lesson
  • Exploration
  • Standards
  • Check for understanding

Code Jumper across settings

Code Jumper works in a classroom setting in a variety of ways, for example:

  • Using Code Jumper in a rotation station in an existing program for all students to engage with
  • Students working in parallel with peers on the same concepts just a different tool
  • Working 1:1 with a peer or staff or even remotely in a group or individual setting

"Code Jumpers is a robust and rigorous program that not only teaches coding, but instills an attitude of 'I can' right from a young age."

—Robin Lowell, Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, Issaquah, WA

Photo of a student using Code Jumper with a Surface tablet.