Work in the Collaboration Space to optimize efficiency 


Collaboration is a key component of working with a team. When using email or printed documents to distribute information to an entire school department, the information may need clarification or may become lost. Having a dedicated space where information is worked on collaboratively, both synchronously and asynchronously, allows for better development.

Within the OneNote Notebook, a section called Collaboration Space is automatically created. All pages within this section are fully editable by all members of the team. Track all edits by reviewing the history or see what edits were created by using the Find by author tool. Also, use a tag to call attention to important information.

If multiple members are set as owners, add a Leader Owner section, which is a collaborative section shared with and visible only to the team's owners. This section may be used to draft agendas or add notes for co-leaders. When there are other initiatives that need a separate channel, there will also be an additional Notes tab to leverage. The Notes tab is an additional space within OneNote that’s automatically added to the Collaboration Space in the General OneNote.

When working within a specific department, such as Social Studies, there may be a need to have common lesson plans and assessment. Common planning time is valuable and may not always be available within a large school. Using the Collaboration Space, educators and school leaders can develop a plan to collaborate on a lesson plan and share their ideas while working from remote locations and at separate times.