What is Markdown?


Markdown is a markup language that offers a lean approach to content editing by shielding content creators from the overhead of HTML. While HTML is great for rendering content exactly how it was intended, it takes up a lot of space and can be unwieldy to work with, even in small doses. The invention of Markdown offered a great compromise between the power of HTML for content description and the ease of plain text for editing.

In this unit, we'll discuss the structure and syntax of Markdown. We'll also cover features of GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM), which are syntax extensions that allow you to integrate GitHub features into content.


This unit is intended to give you a taste of what Markdown is about. For a more in-depth review, reference the "Markdown syntax description" and "GitHub-Flavored Markdown Spec" articles in the Summary unit at the end of this module.

Emphasize text

The most important part of any communication on GitHub is usually the text itself, but how do you show that some parts of the text are more important than others?

Using italics in text is as easy as surrounding the target text with single asterisks (*) or single underscores (_). Just be sure to close an emphasis with the same character with which you opened it. Be observant how you combine the use of asterisks and underscores. Here are several examples:

This is *italic* text.
This is also _italic_ text.

This is italic text. This is also italic text.

Create bold text by using two asterisks (**) or two underscores (__).

This is **bold** text.
This is also __bold__ text.

This is bold text. This is also bold text.

You can also mix different emphases.

_This is **italic and bold** text_ using a single underscore for italic and double asterisks for bold.
__This is bold and *italic* text__ using double underscores for bold and single asterisks for italic. 

This is italic and bold text using a single underscore for italic and double asterisks for bold. This is bold and italic text using double underscores for bold and single asterisks for italic.

To use a literal asterisk, precede it with an escape character; in GFM, that's a backslash (\). This example results in the underscores and asterisks being shown in the output.

\_This is all \*\*plain\*\* text\_.

_This is all **plain** text_.

Declare headings

HTML provides content headings, such as the <h1> tag. In Markdown, this is supported via the # symbol. Just use one # for each heading level from 1-6.

###### This is H6 text
This is H6 text

Image and site links use a similar syntax.

![Link an image.](/learn/azure-devops/shared/media/mara.png)

Link an image.

[Link to Microsoft Training](/training)

Link to Microsoft Training

Make lists

You can define ordered or unordered lists. You can also define nested items through indentation.

  • Ordered lists start with numbers.
  • Unordered lists can use asterisks or dashes (-).

Here's the Markdown for an ordered list:

1. First
1. Second
1. Third


  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
- First
  - Nested
- Second
- Third

Here's the Markdown for an unordered list:

  • First
    • Nested
  • Second
  • Third

Build tables

You can construct tables using a combination of pipes (|) for column breaks and dashes (-) to designate the prior row as a header.

First Second
1 2
3 4

Quote text

You can create blockquotes using the greater than (>) character.

> This is quoted text.

This is quoted text.

Fill the gaps with inline HTML

If you come across an HTML scenario not supported by Markdown, you can use that HTML inline.

Here is a<br />line break

Here is a
line break

Work with code

Markdown provides default behavior for working with inline code blocks delimited by the backtick (`) character. When decorating text with this character, it's rendered as code.

This is `code`.

This is code.

If you have a code segment spanning multiple lines, you can use three backticks (```) before and after to create a fenced code block.

var first = 1;
var second = 2;
var sum = first + second;
var first = 1;
var second = 2;
var sum = first + second;

GFM extends this support with syntax highlighting for popular languages. Just specify the language as part of the first tick sequence.

var first = 1;
var second = 2;
var sum = first + second;
var first = 1;
var second = 2;
var sum = first + second;

GFM supports various shortcode formats to make it easy to link to issues and pull requests. The easiest way to do this is to use the format #ID, such as #3602. GitHub automatically adjusts longer links to this format if you paste them in. There are also additional conventions you can follow, such as if you're working with other tools or want to specify other projects/branches.

Reference type Raw reference Short link
Issue or pull request URL https://github.com/desktop/desktop/pull/3602 #3602
# and issue or pull request number #3602 #3602
GH- and issue or pull request number GH-3602 GH-3602
Username/Repository# and issue or pull request number desktop/desktop#3602 desktop/desktop#3602

For more information, refer to the "Autolinked references and URLs" article in the Summary unit at the end of this module.

You can link to a commit by either pasting in its ID or simply using its secure hash algorithm (SHA).

Reference type Raw reference Short link
Commit URL https://github.com/desktop/desktop/commit/
8304e9c271a5e5ab4fda797304cd7bcca7158c87 8304e9c
SHA 8304e9c271a5e5ab4fda797304cd7bcca7158c87 8304e9c
User@SHA desktop@8304e9c271a5e5ab4fda797304cd7bcca7158c87 desktop@8304e9c
Username/Repository@SHA desktop/desktop@8304e9c271a5e5ab4fda797304cd7bcca7158c87 desktop/desktop@8304e9c

Mention users and teams

Typing an @ symbol followed by a GitHub username sends a notification to that person about the comment. This is called an "@mention", because you're mentioning the individual. You can also @mention teams within an organization.



Track task lists

You can create task lists within issues or pull requests using the following syntax. These can be helpful to track progress when used in the body of an issue or pull request.

- [x] First task
- [x] Second task
- [ ] Third task

A GitHub task list.

Slash commands

Slash commands can save you time by reducing the typing required to create complex Markdown.

You can use slash commands in any description or comment field in issues, pull requests, or discussions where that slash command is supported.

Command Description
/code Inserts a Markdown code block. You choose the language.
/details Inserts a collapsible detail area. You choose the title and content.
/saved-replies Inserts a saved reply. You choose from the saved replies for your user account. If you add %cursor% to your saved reply, the slash command places the cursor in that location.
/table Inserts a Markdown table. You choose the number of columns and rows.
/tasklist Inserts a tasklist. This slash command only works in an issue description.
/template Shows all of the templates in the repository. You choose the template to insert. This slash command works for issue templates and a pull request template.