

The purpose of Azure Monitoring alerts is to notify you proactively when Azure Monitor data indicates there might be a problem. Alerts can notify you of problems with your infrastructure or applications before a problem becomes one for your users.

You are in IT Operations at Tailwind Traders. As part of your job, you want to ensure you’re using the best tools to stay informed about issues that may affect your applications and infrastructure before those issues occur. You decide that Azure Monitor alerts and responses would give you the means to successfully accomplish this.

Learning objectives

In this module, you learn how to:

  • Describe the purpose of and identify the different types of alerts.
  • Explain how action groups are used to notify users about alerts.
  • Configure and manage alert rules.
  • Configure alert processing rules to modify triggered alerts.
  • Describe how Change Analysis provides insight into changes made to Azure resources.


  • Understand the basic functionality of Azure Monitor and Log Analytics workspaces.