Using a microservice to send events to Azure Event Hubs


In this unit, you'll be sending events from a third party system to the telemetry event hub.

You will now implement the functionality that will allow you to emulate sending events from a third party system to the telemetry Event Hub. You can find this third party system in the azure-event-hubs-for-kafka on GitHub and use the quickstart/java/producer.

Modify the producer.config file in the /src/main/resources directory:

  • Update the bootstrap.servers config setting so it contains your EventHub namespace name.
  • Update the sasl.jaas.config config setting so it contains the connection string to your telemetry event hub.
  • Update the file in the producersrc/main/java** directory, with telemetry as a topic name.

Next, compile and run the producer app, which sends 100 events to your event hub. You can view the events sent to your event hub using the Azure portal.

  1. From the Git Bash shell in the projects folder, clone the azure-event-hubs-for-kafka on GitHub project.

    cd ~/projects
    git clone
  2. In the projects folder, use your text editor to open the azure-event-hubs-for-kafka/quickstart/java/producer/src/main/resources/producer.config file. Edit line 1 by replacing the mynamespaceplaceholder with the name of the Event Hub namespace you provisioned earlier in this lab.
  3. Edit line 4 with the connection string to your telemetry event hub. The edit defines the output of your $EVENTHUB_CONNECTIONSTRING environment variable. required username="$ConnectionString" password="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=XXXXXX;SharedAccessKey=XXXXXX;EntityPath=telemetry";
  4. Save the changes to producer.config file.

  5. Open the file in the azure-event-hubs-for-kafka/quickstart/java/producer/src/main/java directory. Verify that line 16 has telemetry shown as a topic name.

    private final static String TOPIC = "telemetry";
  6. From the Git Bash window, set the current working directory to the extra folder and run a Maven build.

    cd ~/projects/azure-event-hubs-for-kafka/quickstart/java/producer
    mvn clean package