Set up procurement categories


The following steps show you how to create new nodes in a procurement category hierarchy and how to set up a procurement category to be used in a procurement process. Before you can start this procedure, there must be a category hierarchy of type Procurement. If you're using a demo data company, you can run this procedure in the USMF company.

Add new procurement category

  1. Navigate to Navigation pane > Modules > Procurement and sourcing > Consignment > Procurement categories.
  2. On the Action Pane, select Edit category hierarchy. The current procurement category hierarchy is displayed on the left side of the page. You're about to modify the hierarchy.
  3. On the Action Pane, select New category node. The system selects the top node by default. If you're running this procedure as a task guide, you can select the Unlock button and select another parent node to insert your new node. Once that is done, lock the task guide again and then select New category node.
  4. In the Name field, type a value.
  5. In the Description field, type a value.
  6. In the Friendly name field, type a value. The friendly name is optional. It is displayed in category lookups together with the category name.
  7. Select Save.

Screenshot of the Category hierarchy page.

Add products to your new procurement category

  1. Navigate to Procurement and sourcing > Consignment > Procurement categories. Select the node you previously added. If you're running this procedure as a task guide, you need to unlock the task guide to select the node.
  2. Toggle the expansion of the Products section.
  3. Select Add to associate products with the procurement category.
  4. Select the products you want to add to the procurement category.
  5. Select the arrow to add the products to the Selected table.
  6. Select OK.