Exercise - Create a position and assign Store Commerce permissions to a worker


You are the System administrator of your organization and you need to create a new position for the Store manager job and assign Store Commerce permissions to that position.

  1. In the USRT company, go to Retail and Commerce > Employees > Positions.
  2. Select New.
  3. In the Job field, select Store Manager.
  4. Select Create position.
  5. In the required Pay cycle field, select bw.
  6. In the required Paid by field, select USRT.
  7. Note the Position number.
  8. In the Worker assignment group, select New.
  9. Select user 000035.
  10. Select Create worker assignment.
  11. Select Yes on the Full time Equivalent prompt, if it appears.
  12. Go to Retail and Commerce > Employees > Workers.
  13. In the list, search for Personnel number 000035.
  14. Select the record.
  15. In the Worker tab in the Action Pane, select Worker position assignments.
  16. Verify that the new position number that you previously noted exists for the user. The position could have been assigned through this page.
  17. Close the page by selecting the X in the upper-right corner of the page.
  18. In the Commerce tab in the Action Pane, select POS permissions.
  19. In the list, select the record that matches the Position number that you previously created.

The POS permission group has been assigned to the user successfully through the jobs/position functionality.