

Azure IoT Hub is one of several Azure technologies that provide message processing services. This module helps you understand the IoT Hub capabilities and assess whether they'll support your messaging requirements.

Suppose you joined a team that is implementing an IoT Hub solution for the company. Your team is implementing device message processing in support of data analytics and other downstream requirements. Understanding how IoT Hub message routing compares with other message processing services and the limits that apply to IoT Hub throughput helps to ensure the team's success. You decide to examine message routing alternatives and IoT Hub's message processing limits.

In this module, you'll:

  • Compare IoT Hub message routing with Event Grid integration.
  • Examine IoT Hub message enrichment.
  • Examine the Azure IoT Hub messaging quotas and throttling limits.

By the end of this module, you'll be able to describe how message routing compares with other message options and explain how messaging quotas and throttling limits affect message processing.