Move Azure Storage blobs using Azure CLI


The Azure CLI includes a series of commands you can use to interact with Azure Storage. Run CLI commands to upload and download files between the local file system and transfer data between blobs in Azure Blob Storage.

In this unit, you learn how to use the Azure CLI to move data to and from Azure Blob Storage and move data between Blob Storage accounts.

Create blobs and upload data

To manage and move blobs in Azure Storage, run the az storage blob series of commands in the Azure CLI.

Before you upload blob data to Azure Storage, you must create an Azure Storage account and a container to hold your blobs. To create a storage account, run the az storage account create command from the Azure CLI. The following example creates a low-latency (hot) storage account named myAccount. The storage uses the Standard performance tier with read-access geo-redundant storage.

az storage account create \
  --location ukwest \
  --name myAccount \
  --resource-group myGroup \
  --sku Standard_RAGRS \
  --kind BlobStorage \
  --access-tier Hot

Blobs are held in containers in Azure Storage. Run the az storage container create command to add a container to a storage account. Provide the account key and the account name.

az storage container create \
  --name myContainer \
  --account-name myAccount \
  --account-key <storage account key>


You can retrieve the keys for a storage account by running the az storage keys list command.

az storage account keys list --account-name myAccount --resource-group myGroup --output table

Upload data to Blob Storage

You can upload a single file to Blob Storage with the az storage blob upload command. This command creates a blob for the contents of the file. Specify the details of the account and container, together with the file and the name of the blob to be created.


You can authorize access to Blob storage from the Azure CLI either with Microsoft Entra credentials or by using the storage account access key. To keep things easy, this module uses an account name and a storage account access to authenticate you against the storage account. You can specify these values as the account-name and account-key parameters to many az storage commands, but if you are running a series of operations, a more convenient mechanism is to store this information in the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_KEY environment variables. The az storage commands looks for these variables if you don't provide the account-name and account-key parameters.

The following example uploads the data in the file named blobdata.dat to a blob called myBlob in the myContainer container. Depending on the type and size of data, you can also specify the --type parameter to indicate whether the blob should be a block blob or a page blob. The default for most types of data is block.

az storage blob upload \
  --container-name myContainer \
  --name myBlob\
  --file blobdata.dat

If a blob with the given name already exists in the container, it's overwritten. Use the --if-match parameter with an ETag to specify that the blob should only be overwritten with the new data if its ETag matches the value given. The --if-none-match parameter overwrites the blob if none of the ETags supplied in the command match that of the blob. Other options are --if-modified-since, which overwrites the blob only if it was modified since a specified date, and --if-unmodified-since, which makes sure that the blob is unchanged since the date given. The following example uploads a file to Blob Storage and overwrites an existing blob with the same name only if the blob is unchanged since the date and time specified.

az storage blob upload \
  --container-name myContainer \
  --name myBlob \
  --file blobdata.dat \
  --if-unmodified-since 2019-05-26T10:30Z

If you have a collection of files, run the az storage blob upload-batch command to upload them. The following example shows how running this command uploads all files with the .bmp file extension in the myFolder folder to blobs with the same names.

az storage blob upload-batch \
  --destination myContainer \
  --source myFolder \
  --pattern *.bmp

Verify that the blobs were uploaded successfully by running the az storage blob list command. The following command lists all the blobs in myContainer, and outputs the results in tabular format for ease of viewing.

az storage blob list \
  --container-name myContainer \
  --output table

Move blobs between Azure Storage accounts

Run the az storage blob copy start command to move a blob from one storage account to another. This time, you must specify the source and destination storage accounts and containers for the operation. The destination account and container must already exist. Specify the source blob using its URL with the --source-uri parameter, rather than specifying a source account, source key, source container, and source blob. The blob is transferred directly between storage accounts; it isn't downloaded from the source account, and then uploaded to the destination.

az storage blob copy start \
  --destination-container destContainer \
  --destination-blob myBlob \
  --source-account-name mySourceAccount \
  --source-account-key mySourceAccountKey \
  --source-container myContainer \
  --source-blob myBlob

Blobs can be large (several gigabytes in size), and the two storage accounts might be remote from each other. Therefore, this command runs asynchronously. Check the state of the destination blob and verify whether the copy operation is completed by running the az storage blob show command.

az storage blob show \
  --container-name destContainer \
  --name myBlob

As with uploading a blob, the az storage blob copy command can overwrite an existing blob with the same name in the destination container. You can provide ETags with the --destination-if-match and --destination-if-none-match parameters to only overwrite the destination if the ETag matches (or not). Also, this command has the --destination-if-modified-since and --destination-if-unmodified-since parameters. You can use these parameters to overwrite the destination blob if it changed since a specified date and time or if it remained unchanged since a specified date and time. There are similar parameters for validating the source blob (--source-if-match, --source-if-none-match, --source-if-modified-since, and --source-if-unmodified-since). Use these parameters to conditionally copy a blob only if it's recently unchanged. They're useful if you're migrating older blobs to cool storage from hot storage.

If you're moving a collection of blobs, run the az storage blob copy start-batch command. This command copies blobs from a source storage account and container to a destination storage account and container, but keeps the names of the blobs the same in both containers. You can specify a pattern for matching the names of the source blobs, but the ETag and date condition options aren't available with this command. The following example copies all blobs with names that match the pattern *.dat from one storage account to another. You can also include the --dryrun parameter, which causes the command to display the names of the blobs to be copied, but doesn't actually copy them.

az storage blob copy start-batch \
  --destination-container destContainer \
  --source-account-name mySourceAccount \
  --source-account-key mySourceAccountKey \
  --source-container myContainer \
  --pattern *.dat

This command runs asynchronously. To determine how the operation is progressing, run the az storage blob list command on the destination container. You can cancel a transfer that is in progress by running the az storage blob copy cancel command. This command stops the transfer, but leaves a destination blob of zero size in place. Delete this empty blob if you no longer need it.

Remove blobs from Azure Storage

The commands in the previous section copy blobs from a source container to a destination, leaving the source blobs intact. After copying a blob to a destination, you can remove it from the source container by running the az storage blob delete command.

az storage blob delete \
  --container-name sourceContainer \
  --name sourceBlob

The --if-modified-since, --if-unmodified-since, --if-match, and --if-none-match parameters allow you to perform a delete operation that depends on the last modification date of the blob and its ETag.

If you have multiple blobs to remove, run the az storage blob delete-batch command. For example, to delete blobs that are unmodified in the last six months, run the following commands.

date=`date -d "6 months ago" '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ'`
az storage blob delete-batch \
  --source sourceContainer \
  --if-unmodified-since $date