One week prior to conferences


Photograph of an older guardian meeting with teacher.

The 2018 OECD PISA Report found "a greater percentage of resilient immigrant students among those who reported greater parental support, perceived teacher enthusiasm, self-efficacy, cooperation in school and a more positive disciplinary climate in language-of-instruction class (that is, these students were in the top quarter of the indices compared with students in the bottom quarter), and amongst those who exhibited a growth mindset. All of these differences were statistically significant" (p. 190).

Photograph of a teacher at a desk.

One challenge teachers face is supporting and communicating with first- and second-generation immigrant students and their families. With the right tools, though, everyone can be set up for success.

Microsoft helps support students and parents in the classroom with translation apps and closed-captioning services. Teachers who use these technologies will greatly improve the involvement of students in the classroom and will further engage parents with the school environment.

Microsoft Translator in a parent conference

Translator is an app that helps teachers and parents talk across languages in real time.

For other features and tips, check out Leslie Fischer demonstrating the various ways to use Translator.

Additional information

Don't forget to curate student portfolios!

  • Continue to use Microsoft Teams to schedule parent conferences
  • Continue to build student portfolios, check assignments, and solidify final pieces of data to show parents.
  • Don’t forget to use Outlook / Teams to send emails and remind parents of conference times and any other information to prepare for the meeting.
  • Consider using parent – teacher conference letters