

Before you create a survey, consider planning it beforehand to ensure that it's as effective as possible. If a survey is too long, respondents might not complete it due to frustration or a lack of time. If a survey is too short, it might not be possible to gather effective or valuable insight from the responses that are received.

Consider the purpose and desired outcome of the survey, and then consider the following questions:

  • Is the survey at a logical point in the customer journey or after a moment of truth?

  • What type of information do you need for the purpose of the survey? Only request information that you need. In other words, don't ask for personal data if you are asking for feedback on the closure of a case.

  • Will the survey take more than five minutes to complete? People are time deficient. Asking them to complete a survey that takes too long will cause them to stop responding to future surveys that you might invite them to complete.

  • Could a prize drawing be offered for a survey to anyone who responds? This approach might not be appropriate for all surveys, but it could be a good incentive if you are gathering customer feedback on a larger survey once or twice a year.

After you have determined the answers to these questions and have confirmed the purpose of the survey, you can create it. The title of the survey will help explain the reason for it and will be visible to all respondents. A survey also includes a survey alias. Additionally, the alias will be used as an identifier if you are using Microsoft Power Automate and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice connector. Therefore, make sure that the alias is internally relevant for those who create the surveys and that it makes sense to anyone who completes the survey.

You can use the following question types on a survey.

Question type Description
Choice Add options, allow multiple answers to be selected, and display as a dropdown list, if necessary.
Text Question can capture a short or long answer and be flagged to capture overall sentiment for the survey. Restrictions can be applied to enforce a number, email address, or if a custom regular expression is entered.
Rating Ratings can be captured by using numbers or stars from 1 to 10 or smiley faces from 2 to 5 on the scale.
Date The Date column is captured in dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy format based on the default location of the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice environment. The format can't be modified.
Ranking Options are added to the question, and respondents will rank the options in a specific order based on the phrasing of the question. For example: Rank the following options in order of preference to your organization.
Likert The Likert scale is like a matrix. A series of statements is provided, and the respondent must select one of the options that best suits or meets the statement.
NPS The Net Promoter Score is a rating on a scale of zero to 10, asking the respondent if they would recommend a product, service, or organization to a friend or colleague.
File upload A new folder is created in the user's OneDrive for Business account. Responders will be able to upload their files to that folder. This option is not available when the survey is shared externally and the Only people in my organization can respond setting is turned off.

Case Closure Survey in design view with three questions of different types.

A survey can have up to 100 questions. Likert, choice, and ranking questions, along with their options/statements, count toward the overall 100-question limit. Therefore, if you include a Likert question with 10 statements, it will reduce the number of remaining questions to 90. The preceding figure shows a simple survey with a rating (smiley) question, a Net Promoter Score question, and a text column question. For longer surveys, you can add a new section after a question, creating pagination between blocks of questions. This approach can be a way to cleanly break up a survey that asks questions on different topics.