SEL competency self-awareness


Self-awareness enables an individual to recognize their own emotional state and understand how it can influence behavior. It's also the ability to know your strengths and weaknesses and to view them with a growth-mindset. Self-awareness skills include...

  • Identifying emotions
  • Accurate self-perception
  • Recognizing strengths
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-efficacy

Self-awareness gives students a better chance to succeed in school, life, and work. Students need to know what their emotional state is and how it affects those around them in order to self-regulate their emotions. As this YPAR project found, creative projects and art allow students the time and space to self-reflect on how they're feeling and communicate those feelings. It also allows a venue for students to build confidence, as they share their creative work with audiences and receive feedback.

Get creative! Project idea

Create a resume to recognize strengths

Students will be making their own creative resumes on Buncees. Start with a lesson on resume skills and the purpose of a resume, scaffolding depending on your students levels. As an example of an objective for the resume, students can name acceptance to their next grade at the end of the school year.

Have students creatively express their strengths in the resume. Students can include video recording as an introduction to video interviews, record audio showcasing their language skills, and more. The resume should showcase their individuality, but share with students that certain industries have particular resume standards.

The final products can be shared for peer review in a Buncee Board for collaborative feedback, OneNoteMicrosoft Teams, or WakeletHere’s an example resume.

Graphic of a student's creative resume made with Buncee.