SEL competency self-management


CASEL defines self-management as the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This includes effectively controlling impulses, self-motivation and planning towards personal and academic goals, and stress management. It helps students stay on task and work towards a goal, even when feeling frustrated, and it's a highly sought after skill in employees. 

In order to regulate one's emotions and stay motivated, you need to know what your emotions are. As stated in Module 4, providing students the opportunity to create can increase self-awareness and reflection on their current emotional state.

Get creative! Project ideas

#OneWord goal setting journal

Start the school or calendar year off with this project. Have students choose a word that will be their focus for the year, and create a visual of the word on Buncee. Examples of words students may choose include reflect, grow, learn, or challenge.

Before creating, have students outline the steps they'll take to embody that word throughout the year. These steps can be more general (Read books regularly) or more specific (Read for 15 minutes each day).

Then, students can start creating! Students will put their word into a Buncee and add multimedia to creatively express why they chose that word, and how it makes them feel. They can outline the steps in their Buncee as well. Once finished, the Buncees can be shared in Microsoft Teams or OneNote. Students can continue editing their Buncee throughout the year to keep track of their progress toward the goal, and their Buncee will be updated live in OneNote and Microsoft Teams. Here's an example #OneWord Buncee.

Screenshot of a sample student one word journal made with Buncee.

Create & share!

Make your own #OneWord Buncee, and share it with the Buncee and Microsoft communities. You can Tweet it @Buncee and @MicrosoftEDU with the hashtag #MicrosoftEDU.