Examine the cloud property capability type in a device template


Use cloud properties to store information about devices in IoT Central. Cloud properties are never sent to a device. For example, you can use cloud properties to store the name of the customer who has installed the device, or the device's last service date.

Screenshot that shows a cloud property in a device template.

The following table shows the configuration settings for a cloud property:



Display name

The display name for the cloud property value used on views and forms.


The name of the cloud property. IoT Central generates a value for this field from the display name, but you can choose your own value if necessary.

Semantic type

The semantic type of the property, such as none or state. The choice of semantic type determines which of the following fields are available.


The cloud property data type, such as double, string, or vector. The available choices are determined by the semantic type.


A unit for the cloud property value, such as mph, %, or °C.

Display unit

A display unit for use on views and forms.


Any comments about the cloud property capability.


A description of the cloud property capability.