

Imagine you support the finance department for a global enterprise; however, all the necessary data is stored in a single data warehouse. When you connect to this data source with Power BI Desktop, the data model is large, and different regions have different needs. You find yourself building a bulky report with many pages and slow performance.

With Power BI, you can divide the data across multiple specialized datasets all “chained” to a core dataset, which will give separate regions flexibility and reduce the performance impact across reports overall. Now that you have datasets referencing other datasets, you can use lineage view in Power BI service to explore relationships. If you're working on your datasets with external tools, you can also use the XMLA endpoint to connect and manage datasets.

In this module, we’ll show you how to:

  • Create and connect to core and specialized datasets
  • Explore dataset relationships
  • Connect and manage datasets through XMLA endpoint

By the end of this module, you should be able to create core and specialized datasets, explore with Power BI service lineage view, and use XMLA endpoint to connect to datasets.