Exercise - Create an event kanban from a sales order


Before you begin

To get the most benefit from the exercises in this module, we recommend that you have the standard sample data available in Supply Chain Management that is installed by using Lifecycle Services. You will also want to work out of the USMF legal entity.

A sales order has been received for a green speaker set, which triggers event kanbans for the speaker set on the packaging work cell and the speaker kits on the speaker assembly work cell. Produce the speaker kits and speaker set to fulfill the customer sales order.

Create a kanban line event

  1. Go to Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select the Customer account as US-010.

  4. In the General FastTab, Select 1, Warehouse 13.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Enter an Item number of L0001.

  7. Enter a Quantity of 24.00.

  8. Select 1 for the Site.

  9. Select 13 for the Warehouse.

  10. Select 13 for the Location.

  11. If Location is not set on the sales order, select the Sales order line > Display > Dimensions button.

  12. Select the Product and supply > Requirements > View pegging tree menu button to view the event kanbans that are created for the sales order.

  13. Select Plan entire pegging tree in the Action pane.

  14. Take note of the number in the Kanban field.

Plan the kanbans

Use the following steps to plan the kanbans on the packaging and speaker assembly work cells. This part of the exercise continues from the previous steps.

  1. Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban job scheduling.

  2. Select the Work cell drop-down menu.

  3. Update the Work cell to 1260, and see planned kanbans.

  4. You'll see your Kanban scheduled on this page.

  5. Close all pages.

  6. Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for process jobs.

  7. Select the Work cell drop-down above the Jobs grid.

  8. Update the Work cell to 1275.

  9. Highlight the desired kanbans and then select Start.

  10. Select Complete.

  11. Highlight the second Kanban record.

  12. Select Start.

  13. Select Complete.