

In this module, you have learned about the Real-Time Dashboard in Microsoft Fabric and its user-friendly experience. The course covered how to create a new dashboard, connect it to a data source such as a database in Azure Data Explorer Cluster or an existing KQL database, and add tiles using snippets from the Kusto Query Language. You also learned about the advanced features of Real-Time Dashboards, including data exploration, adding pages, using parameters, viewing queries, and enabling autorefresh.

The main takeaways from this module include understanding the importance of maintaining clarity and simplicity in your dashboard by using clear labels and avoiding clutter. You also learned about ensuring data relevance to the audience's needs, setting an appropriate autorefresh rate, designing accessible dashboards, and incorporating interactivity features like filters and drill-down capabilities. Additionally, you were taught how to optimize performance by refining queries and visuals, implement proper security measures for data protection, and regularly test the dashboard for functionality and performance issues.

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