

Suppose you're a developer for an application letting a business update its "last chance deals" website by sending an email. The update email uses special required text in the title and body of the email to instruct the automation how to update the website. The mail includes next deal title, discount %, expiration, and when to publish the offer live.

Frequently, application data you need to work with is from other software systems, and has data you don't want or need. Sometimes the data is in an unusable format, containing extra information that makes the important information difficult to extract. To adjust data for your application, you need tools and techniques to parse through string data, isolate the information you need, and remove the information you don't need.

In this module, you use string helper methods to identify and isolate the information you're interested in. You learn how to copy a smaller portion of a larger string. You replace characters, or remove characters from a string.

By the end of this module, you're able to modify a string's contents, isolating specific portions to extract, replace, or remove.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Identify the position of a character or string inside of another string
  • Extract portions of strings
  • Remove portions of strings
  • Replace values in strings with different values


  • Beginner level experience with string helper methods
  • Beginner level experience with the while iteration statement
  • Experience using Visual Studio Code to develop, build, and run C# code