Exercise - Deploy an Azure Arc data controller


Azure Arc data controller is the Kubernetes operator that brings all of the Arc-enabled components together allowing you to get the benefits of Azure data service in your Arc-enabled environment. This unit covers the prerequisites and implements an Arc data controller in your environment.


Before you proceed, complete the following prerequisites:

  • Install/Upgrade Azure CLI to the latest version.

  • Add arcdata and associated k8s CLI extensions:

    • arcdata : az extension add --name arcdata
    • connectedk8s : az extension add --name connectedk8s
    • customlocation : az extension add --name customlocation
    • k8s-configuration : az extension add --name k8s-configuration
    • k8s-extension : az extension add --name k8s-extension
  • Have access to your Kubernetes Cluster V1.21 and above.

  • Meet network requirements.

  • Register providers for Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes.

    • Microsoft.Kubernetes
    • Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
    • Microsoft.ExtendedLocation
  • Create a destination Resource Group in your Azure subscription.

  • Size your Kubernetes cluster for your workload.

Arc-enable your Kubernetes cluster

To Arc-enable your kubernetes cluster, or to connect your Kubernetes cluster to Azure, execute the az connectedk8s command. Before running this command, ensure you have downloaded your kubeconfig file. This prerequisite step is only required when you deploy in directly connected mode.

To confirm that your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster is ready and available to deploy your Arc data controller, view the shadow object (object representation of the Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster) in the portal:

Screenshot of Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster in portal

In the image above, the resource Kubernetes-cluster of resource type Kubernetes service is our Kubernetes cluster (which could be on-premises, any public cloud, or in this instance, located in Azure). The second highlighted resource of type Kubernetes -Azure Arc is our shadow resource for our Arc-enabled cluster that we can manage in the Azure portal.

Enable custom locations on the kubernetes cluster.

Lastly, confirm Azure Arc agents for Kubernetes have been deployed.

Screenshot of Create Azure Arc Agents for Kubernetes Deployed

Deploy the Arc data controller

The deployment mode you choose has multiple methods available. Choose either the directly connected mode or indirectly connected mode. You can choose which option to work through based on your connectivity mode requirement.

Azure Arc-enabled data services are supported on Kubernetes platforms V1.21 and above. Each Kubernetes type has slightly different instructions to create your data controller. Specific instructions on each type:

For the deployment options below we are using an AKS deployed Kubernetes cluster. All options related to storage classes are associated with the AKS cluster supported storage classes. The choice of Service type is going to depend on the configuration of your Kubernetes cluster. The kubernetes cluster used in this exercise is configured as a load balanced service type. If you are configured in a node port type, use node port instead of load balancer appropriately in the exercise. The type of Kubernetes cluster implemented in your environment dictates the types of provisioned and presented storage types. To complete the exercise, you need to know your storage classes. Talk to your infrastructure team or Kubernetes admin if you are unsure.

Deploy in directly connected mode

To deploy your Arc data controller, you have several options:

  • GUI deployment:
    • Azure portal
    • Azure Data Studio
  • CLI deployment:
    • Azure portal Cloud Shell
    • Azure Data Studio terminal window

Choose which of the options you wish to walk through. All provide you with the same outcome.

Option 1: Azure portal GUI deployment

  1. In the Azure portal, select + Create resource.

  2. Search for Azure Arc data controller.

  3. Select Create.

    Screenshot of create Azure Arc data controller in portal

  4. Select Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster (Directly connected mode) | Click Next: Data controller details.

    Screenshot of Create Azure Arc data controller direct connectivity mode in portal

  5. Choose the Resource Group you created and into which you deployed your Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

  6. Name your Arc data controller appropriately.

  7. Select Create new custom location.

    Screenshot of create new custom location

  8. For the Kubernetes configuration template, choose the appropriate storage class. On the AKS cluster for this exercise, specify azure-arc-aks-premium-storage.

    If your Kubernetes cluster is either on-premises or in a public cloud. change the configuration template to a custom template and complete all of the required information. In particular, note your infrastructure location.

    Microsoft provides templates for various environments, such as GKE and OpenShift. If you see an option that matches your environment, Microsoft provides a configuration template for you. Otherwise, specify a custom template.

    Screenshot of setting a custom template in the portal.

  9. For Service type, select Load balancer.

  10. Set a user name and password for Metrics and Logs Dashboards (Kibana and Grafana) that you view locally.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller details

  11. Select Next: Additional Settings

    You may already have a Log Analytics workspace configured, or you can create a new workspace specifically for your Arc data controller. Find the Log Analytics workspace ID and primary key (both values are required) under Settings > Agents management of your Log Analytics workspace.

    Screenshot of Azure Log Analytics workspace details

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller additional settings

  12. Add Tags for your Arc data controller.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller Tags

  13. On Review + Create and confirm all details are correct. Select Create.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller review and create

  14. Monitor the creation of the Arc data controller with this command:

    kubectl get datacontroller --namespace <namespace>

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller successful deployment CloudShell

    Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your Arc data controller in directly connected mode.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller successful deployment

  15. Validate the deployment against the Kubernetes cluster. Execute kubectl get ns in the Cloud Shell.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller deployment validation

  16. Confirm all packages deployed to the Kubernetes cluster as part of the deployment. Execute Kubectl get crd in the Cloud Shell.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller deployment packages 1

  17. Review all the resources created under the Custom location type resource. Execute Kubectl get pods --namespace <namespace> in the Cloud Shell.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc data controller deployment packages 2

Option 2: Azure Data Studio GUI deployment

This deployment method, you will use Azure Data Studio (ADS) and the associated ADS extensions Azure Arc & Azure CLI.

Ensure that you have navigated to your .kube directory in the ADS terminal before executing any CLI commands.

  • Before using ADS for the deployment, you need to create a custom location in your chosen subscription and resource group where you deploy your Arc data controller. In ADS, open the terminal window and connect to your subscription and download your kube config file.

    $Env:MySuscriptionID = 'enter your subscription ID here'
    $Env:MyResourceGroup = 'enter your resource group name here'
    $Env:MyCluster = 'enter your kubernetes cluster name here'
    az account set --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup --name $Env:MyCluster

Create your custom location for your Azure Arc data controller that you deploy on your Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster. With the Azure portal Cloud Shell, execute the following commands:

  1. Create the Arc-enabled kubernetes cluster custom location extension using the following command:

    $Env:MyNamespace = 'enter your namespace name here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension = 'enter your custom location extension name here'
    az k8s-extension create --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --extension-type microsoft.arcdataservices `
        --auto-upgrade false `
        --scope cluster `
        --release-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=sa-arc-bootstrapper
  2. In the ADS terminal window confirm the creation of the newly created custom location extension:

    az k8s-extension show --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedclusters
  3. In the ADS terminal window, confirm the status of the cluster using the following kubectl CLI command. The bootstrapper pod should be in a running state :

    kubectl get pods --name $Env:MyNamespace
  4. Create custom location following steps 2,3 & 4. The extensionInstanceName in step 3 relates to the extension name you used in the step above. In step 4 add the optional parameter --location.

  5. In the ADS terminal window, confirm the creation of the Arc-enabled custom location.

    az customlocation list -o table

    Screenshot of Create Azure Arc data controller custom location

  6. Confirm you have Azure Data Studio downloaded and installed.

  7. Open ADS and navigate to the Extensions.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Extensions

  8. Search for azure cli. Install the Azure CLI Extension.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure CLI Extension

  9. Search for Azure Arc. Install the Azure Arc Extension.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Extension

  10. After installing both extensions, close and restart ADS.

  11. Once ADS has restarted, navigate to the Linked Accounts section and select Add an account.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure linked accounts

  12. Sign in to your Azure subscription. You have successfully added a Linked Account to your Azure subscription. Select Close.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure linked accounts success

  13. Open the terminal window and download your Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster config file to your workstation. You can use the command:

    az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resourcegroupname> `
        --name <Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster Name> `
        --file <download location>

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure kube.config download

  14. Expand the ADS Connections tab, and expand the Azure Arc controllers dropdown.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Connectors

  15. Select + Create New Azure Arc Controller, ensure Azure Arc data controller is selected, and select Select.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Controller

  16. Confirm the deployment prerequisites are in-place. Click Next. Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Controller pre-requisits

  17. With your downloaded Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster config file in the default location, confirm your Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster is selected. Ensure the chosen connectivity mode is Direct. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller Kubernetes cluster details.

  18. For the Kubernetes configuration template, choose the appropriate storage class. This exercise uses an AKS cluster. Specify azure-arc-aks-premium-storage. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller Kubernetes config profile.

  19. In step 11 above, you connected to your subscription. Confirm the Azure account is correct connected to the correct subscription. Choose the resource group you configured in the prerequisites at the top of this section. Choose the location you are deploying your Arc data controller to. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller configuration.

  20. To create the Arc data controller, gather the following information:

    • Data Controller Name: Your custom name
    • Storage Class: dependent on your config profile selection above
    • Infrastructure: dependent on the location of your Kubernetes Cluster
    • Custom Location: An Azure resource representing the namespace on your Kubernetes Cluster where you will host the data controller.
    • Auto-upload Metrics: Ensure you select this with the directly connected mode
    • Auto-upload Logs: Ensure you select this with the directly connected mode
    • Log Analytics workspace ID: available from your Log Analytics workspace
    • Log Analytics primary key: available from your Log Analytics workspace
    • Metrics and Logs Dashboard Credentials (Kibana and Grafana)

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio step 5 - data controller configuration

  21. Review the configuration details, and you are ready to deploy. Select Deploy.

    Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Data controller review.

    This opens up a notebook called deploy.arc.data.controller, which automatically starts executing each of the created cells. A prompt will request you to log in to your Azure subscription to allow the deployment to start.

Once the deployment has completed, select Connect Controller in the connections tab. Enter the namespace for the data controller you just created and select connect.

Connect to data controller - Arc Data Services

To manage your Arc data controller right-click on the data controller and select Manage.

Azure Data Studio - manage data controller

Option 3: Azure portal Cloud Shell deployment

In this exercise option, you create the Arc data controller via the CLI from the Azure portal. Ensure you have walked through the prerequisites at the start of this exercise.

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell.

  2. Set your parameters to be used during this deployment.

    $Env:MySuscriptionID = 'enter your subscription ID here'
    $Env:MyResourceGroup = 'enter resource group name here'
    $Env:MyCluster = 'enter kubernetes cluster name here'
    $Env:Mylocation = 'enter resource location here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension = 'enter custom location extension name here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocation = 'enter custom location name here'
    $Env:MyNamespace = 'enter data controller name space here'
  3. Download the Kubernetes cluster kube config file.

    az account set --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup --name $Env:MyCluster
  4. Arc-enable your Kubernetes Cluster.

    az connectedk8s connect --name $Env:MyCluster --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup --location $Env:Mylocation
  5. Confirm your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

    az connectedk8s list --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup --output table
  6. Enable the Cluster-Connect and Custom-location Arc-enabled features on your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

    az connectedk8s enable-features --name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --features cluster-connect custom-locations
  7. Confirm all Azure Arc Agents have been deployed and are running in the azure-arc namespace.

    kubectl get deployments,pods --namespace azure-arc
  8. Create your Arc-enabled custom location extension in your Kubernetes - Azure Arc type resource.

    az k8s-extension create --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --extension-type microsoft.arcdataservices `
        --auto-upgrade false `
        --scope cluster `
        --release-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=sa-arc-bootstrapper
  9. Confirm your newly created Arc-enabled custom location extension.

    az k8s-extension show --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedclusters
  10. Confirm your custom location namespace has been created and has the bootstrapper running.

    kubectl get pods -n $Env:MyNamespace
  11. Assign permissions to the Arc-enabled custom location extension.

    $Env:MSI_Object_Id=(az k8s-extension show `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension | convertFrom-json).identity.principalId
    az role assignment create --assignee $Env:MSI_Object_Id `
        --role "Contributor" `
        --scope "/subscriptions/$Env:MySuscriptionID/resourceGroups/$Env:MyResourceGroup"
    az role assignment create --assignee $Env:MSI_Object_Id `
        --role "Monitoring Metrics Publisher" `
        --scope "/subscriptions/$Env:MySuscriptionID/resourceGroups/$Env:MyResourceGroup"
  12. Create the Arc-enabled custom location.

    $Env:HostClusterID=az connectedk8s show --name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --query id -o tsv
    $Env:ExtensionID=az k8s-extension show --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --query id -o tsv
    az customlocation create --name $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --host-resource-id $Env:HostClusterID `
        --cluster-extension-ids $Env:ExtensionID `
        --location $Env:Mylocation
  13. Validate the creation of the Arc-enabled custom location.

    az customlocation list -o table
  14. Declare some parameters specific to creating the Arc data controller.

    $Env:MyDataController = 'enter your data controller name here'
    $Env:MyConnectMode = 'direct'
    $Env:MyProfile = 'azure-arc-aks-premium-storage'  (Choose your storage profile)
    $Env:MyStorageClass = 'managed-premium' (Choose your storage class)
    $Env:arc_infrastructure = 'azure'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Kibana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Kibana dashboard password here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Grafana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Grafana dashboard password here'
  15. Create Arc data controller.

    az arcdata dc create --name $Env:MyDataController `
        --k8s-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation `
        --connectivity-mode $Env:MyConnectMode `
        --profile-name $Env:MyProfile `
        --auto-upload-logs true `
        --auto-upload-metrics true `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --storage-class $Env:MyStorageClass `
        --infrastructure $Env:arc_infrastructure `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster
  16. Monitor the deployment of your Arc data controller. Use the command:

    kubectl get datacontrollers --namespace $Env:MyNamespace. 
        The deployment will go through 3 states before it finishes: 
        - State = Deploying Controller
        - State = Deploying Monitoring
        - State = Ready
  17. Confirm all resources have been deployed into your Arc-enabled custom location namespace.

    kubectl get pods -n $Env:MyNamespace

Option 4: Azure Data Studio Terminal window deployment

In this deployment method, use Azure Data Studio (ADS) and the associated ADS extensions Azure Arc & Azure CLI. Use the CLI from the Azure Data Studio Terminal. Ensure you have walked through the prerequisites at the start of this exercise and installed the Azure Arc and Azure CLI Azure Data Studio extensions.

Ensure that you have navigated to your .kube directory in the ADS terminal before executing any CLI commands.

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell.

  2. Set your parameters to be used during this deployment.

    $Env:MySuscriptionID= 'enter your subscription ID here'
    $Env:MyResourceGroup= 'enter resource group name here'
    $Env:MyCluster= 'enter kubernetes cluster name here'
    $Env:Mylocation= 'enter resource location here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension= 'enter custom location extension name here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocation= 'enter custom location name here'
    $Env:MyNamespace= 'enter data controller name space here'
  3. Download the Kubernetes cluster kube config file.

    az account set --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group `
        $Env:MyResourceGroup --name $Env:MyCluster
  4. Arc-enable your Kubernetes Cluster.

    az connectedk8s connect --name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation
  5. Confirm your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

    az connectedk8s list --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup --output table
  6. Enable the Cluster-Connect and Custom-location Arc-enabled features on your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

    az connectedk8s enable-features --name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --features cluster-connect custom-locations
  7. Confirm all Azure Arc Agents have been deployed and are running in the azure-arc namespace.

    kubectl get deployments,pods --namespace azure-arc
  8. Create your Arc-enabled custom location extension in your Kubernetes - Azure Arc type resource.

    az k8s-extension create --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --extension-type microsoft.arcdataservices `
        --auto-upgrade false `
        --scope cluster `
        --release-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount=sa-arc-bootstrapper
  9. Confirm your newly created Arc-enabled custom location extension.

    az k8s-extension show --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedclusters
  10. Confirm your custom location namespace has been created and has the bootstrapper running.

    kubectl get pods -n $Env:MyNamespace
  11. Assign permissions to the Arc-enabled custom location extension.

    $Env:MSI_Object_Id=(az k8s-extension show --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension | convertFrom-json).identity.principalId
    az role assignment create --assignee $Env:MSI_Object_Id `
        --role "Contributor" `
        --scope "/subscriptions/$Env:MySuscriptionID/resourceGroups/$Env:MyResourceGroup"
    az role assignment create --assignee $Env:MSI_Object_Id `
        --role "Monitoring Metrics Publisher" `
        --scope "/subscriptions/$Env:MySuscriptionID/resourceGroups/$Env:MyResourceGroup"
  12. Create the Arc-enabled custom location.

    $Env:HostClusterID=az connectedk8s show --name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --query id -o tsv
    $Env:ExtensionID=az k8s-extension show --name $Env:MyCustomlocationExtension `
        --cluster-type connectedClusters `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --query id -o tsv
    az customlocation create --name $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --host-resource-id $Env:HostClusterID `
        --cluster-extension-ids $Env:ExtensionID `
        --location $Env:Mylocation
  13. Validate the creation of the Arc-enabled custom location.

    az customlocation list -o table
  14. Declare some parameters specific to the creation of the Arc data controller.

    $Env:MyDataController= 'enter your data controller name here'
    $Env:MyConnectMode = 'direct'
    $Env:MyProfile = 'azure-arc-aks-premium-storage'  (Choose your storage profile)
    $Env:MyStorageClass = 'managed-premium' (Choose your storage class)
    $Env:arc_infrastructure = 'azure'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Kibana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Kibana dashboard password here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Grafana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Grafana dashboard password here'
  15. Create Arc data controller.

    az arcdata dc create --name $Env:MyDataController `
        --k8s-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation `
        --connectivity-mode $Env:MyConnectMode `
        --profile-name $Env:MyProfile `
        --auto-upload-logs true `
        --auto-upload-metrics true `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --storage-class $Env:MyStorageClass`
        --infrastructure $Env:arc_infrastructure `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster
  16. Provide the Log Analytics Workspace ID and associated primary key. You can retrieve these from inside the portal. Navigate to your Log Analytics workspace. The workspace ID and primary key are available in the Settings > Agents management section.

  17. Monitor the deployment of your Arc data controller. Use the command:

    kubectl get datacontrollers --namespace $Env:MyNamespace
        The deployment will go through 3 states before it finishes: 
        - State = Deploying Controller
        - State = Deploying Monitoring
        - State = Ready
  18. Confirm all resources have been deployed into your Arc-enabled custom location namespace.

    kubectl get pods -n $Env:MyNamespace

Deploy in indirectly connected mode

To deploy your Azure Arc data controller, you can use one of the following options:

  • GUI deployment: Azure Data Studio
  • CLI deployment: Azure Data Studio terminal window

Once you have deployed your data controller in indirectly connected mode, this resource is now displayed in your Azure subscription. Use Azure Data Studio to manage and maintain your data controller.

In preparation for configuring your environment to utilize a data controller in indirectly connected mode, your environment needs access to port 443 and the Microsoft Container Registry, allowing you to pull images.

Option 1: Azure Data Studio GUI deployment

In this deployment method, use Azure Data Studio (ADS) and the associated ADS extensions Azure Arc & Azure CLI.

Navigate to your .kube directory in the ADS terminal before you run any CLI commands.

  • You can check to see that you have a current Kubernetes connection and confirm your current context with the following commands:

    kubectl cluster-info
    kubectl config current-context

    Screenshot of results of kubectl cluster-info

    Screenshot of results kubectl current context

  1. Confirm you have Azure Data Studio downloaded and installed.

  2. Open ADS and navigate to the Extensions.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Extensions

  3. Search for Azure CLI and install the Azure CLI Extension.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure CLI Extension

  4. Search for "Azure Arc" and install the Azure Arc Extension.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Extension

  5. After you install both extensions, close and restart ADS.

  6. Once ADS has restarted, navigate to the Linked Accounts section and select Add an account.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure linked accounts

  7. Sign in to your Azure subscription. You have successfully added a Linked Account to your Azure subscription. Click Close.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure linked accounts success

  8. Open the terminal window and download your Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster config file to your workstation. You can use the command:

    az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resourcegroupname> `
        --name <Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster Name> `
        --file <download location>

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure kube.config download

  9. Expand the ADS Connections tab, and expand the Azure Arc Controllers dropdown.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Connectors

  10. Select + Create New Azure Arc Controller, ensuring Azure Arc data controller is selected. Click Select.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Controller

  11. Confirm the deployment prerequisites are in-place. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc Controller pre-requisites

  12. With your downloaded Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster config file in the default location, confirm your Arc-enabled Kubernetes Cluster is selected.

    Ensure the chosen connectivity mode is Indirect. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc specify Kubernetes cluster.

  13. For the Kubernetes configuration template, choose the appropriate storage class. For this exercise, use an AKS cluster for this exercise, so we specify azure-arc-aks-premium-storage. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller Kubernetes config profile.

  14. Step 7 above connected to your subscription. Confirm the Azure account is correct, and the subscription is connected to the right subscription. Choose the resource group you previously configured in the prerequisites section at the top of this section. Choose the location to which you are deploying your Arc data controller. Select Next.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller configuration.

  15. To create the Arc data controller, provide the following information:

    • Data Controller Namespace: Your data controller namespace
    • Storage Class: dependent on your config profile selection above
    • Infrastructure: dependent on the location of your Kubernetes Cluster
    • Custom Location: Only required for directly connected mode
    • Auto-upload Metrics: Only required for directly connected mode
    • Auto-upload Logs: Only required for directly connected mode
    • Log Analytics workspace ID: Only required for directly connected mode
    • Log Analytics primary key: Only required for directly connected mode
    • Metrics and Logs Dashboard Credentials (Kibana and Grafana)

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller infrastructure indirect mode.

  16. Review the configuration details, and you are ready to deploy. Select Deploy.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio - review configuration- indirect mode

    This opens up a notebook called deploy.arc.data.controller, which automatically starts executing each of the created cells. As this is an indirect mode deployment, you will not be requested to log into your Azure subscription.

  17. To monitor the deployment status in the terminal window in ADS, you can execute the following commands:

    kubectl get datacontroller --namespace 'enter your namespace here'

    This command works through the following three states during the deployment:

    Screenshot of PowerShell results - indirect deployment

    The following command shows all the deployed services and the status of those services in the data controller namespace:

    kubectl get pods --namespace 'enter your namespace here'

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller indirect mode status from kubectl get pods.

Once the deployment has completed, select Connect Controller in the connections tab. Enter the namespace for the data controller you just created and select connect.

Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller connect.

You can manage your Arc data controller by right-clicking on the data controller and selecting Manage.

Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller manage.

Option 2: Azure Data Studio terminal deployment

In this exercise option, you create the data controller onto your Kubernetes cluster located either on-premises or in the public cloud via the CLI from Azure Data Studio. Ensure you have completed the prerequisites at the start of this exercise.

You can check to see that you have a current Kubernetes connection and confirm your current context with the following commands:

 kubectl cluster-info
kubectl config current-context

Screenshot of Kubernetes cluster information.

Screenshot of Kubernetes cluster context.

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell.

  2. Set your parameters to be used during this deployment.

    $Env:MySuscriptionID= 'enter your subscription ID here'
    $Env:MyResourceGroup= 'enter resource group name here'
    $Env:Mylocation= 'enter resource location here'
    $Env:MyNamespace= 'enter data controller name space here'
    $Env:MyDataController= 'enter your data controller name here'
    $Env:MyConnectMode = 'Indirect'
    $Env:MyProfile = 'azure-arc-aks-premium-storage'  (Choose your storage profile)
    $Env:MyStorageClass = 'managed-premium' (Choose your storage class)
    $Env:arc_infrastructure = 'azure'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Kibana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_LOGSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Kibana dashboard password here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_USERNAME= 'enter Grafana dashboard username here'
    $ENV:AZDATA_METRICSUI_PASSWORD= 'enter Grafana dashboard password here'
  3. Download the Kubernetes cluster kube config file.

    az account set --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID`
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --name $Env:MyCluster
  4. Create Arc data controller.

    az arcdata dc create --name $Env:MyDataController `
        --k8s-namespace $Env:MyNamespace `
        --use-k8s `
        --subscription $Env:MySuscriptionID `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation `
        --connectivity-mode $Env:MyConnectMode `
        --profile-name $Env:MyProfile `
        --storage-class $Env:MyStorageClass `
        --infrastructure $Env:arc_infrastructure `
        --cluster-name $Env:MyCluster
  5. Monitor the deployment of your Arc data controller. Use the command:

    kubectl get datacontrollers --namespace $Env:MyNamespace

    The deployment goes through three (3) states before it is finished:

    kubectl monitor deployment state.

  6. Confirm all resources have been deployed into your data controller namespace:

    kubectl get pods -n $Env:MyNamespace

    kubectl deployment completed, resources ready.

  7. Select Connect Controller in the connections tab once the deployment has been successfully completed. Enter the namespace for the data controller you just created and select connect.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller connect.

After the deployment completes, you can manage your Arc data controller. Right-click the data controller and select Manage.

Screenshot of Azure Data Studio Azure Arc data controller Manage.