Exercise - Deploy Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance


To deploy your Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance, you have several options available:

  • GUI deployment:
    • Azure portal
    • Azure Data Studio
  • CLI deployment
    • Azure portal Cloud Shell
    • Azure Data Studio terminal window

Choose which option you wish to walk through. All exercise options below provide you with the same outcome. All scenarios in the below exercises utilize the General Purpose Tier (Standard Edition). The Business Critical Tier (Enterprise Edition) allows you to choose the number of replicas you require to meet your High Availability needs.

For all exercise options below, the Kubernetes cluster used is an AKS cluster. All options for storage classes used are associated with and supported on an AKS cluster. The Kubernetes cluster implemented in your environment dictates the types of provisioned and presented storage classes. You will need to know your storage classes. The value Default used for the storage classes below means "use the storage class configured at the AKS cluster level". In this case premium storage.

Option 1: Azure portal GUI deployment

This option is only available with environments configured in the directly connected mode.

  1. In the Azure portal, select + Create resource.

  2. Search for SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc.

  3. Select Create.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc create resource

  4. Choose the resource group in which you created your Arc data controller.

  5. Enter a name for your new Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

  6. Choose the custom location associated with your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

  7. Choose the service type that is associated with your Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc resource details

  8. Click Configure compute + storage.

  9. Choose your service tier.

  10. Set the memory request in gigabytes.

  11. Set the memory limit in gigabytes.

  12. Set the CPU vCore request.

  13. Set the CPU vCore limit.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc compute and storage resource details. Configure service tier, and compute utilization.

  14. Enter Default for the data storage class.

  15. Set the data volume size in gigabytes.

  16. Enter Default for the datalogs storage class.

  17. Set the datalogs (transaction log files) volume size in gigabytes.

  18. Enter Default for the logs storage class.

  19. Set the logs volume size in gigabytes.

  20. Your backup storage class needs to be ReadWriteMany (RWX) capable.

  21. Set the backup volume size in gigabytes.

  22. Select I already have a SQL Server License if you have Azure Hybrid Benefits.

  23. Click Apply.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc compute and storage resource details. Configure storage.

  24. Set the admin username for the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

  25. Set the admin user password for the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc Admin Account details

  26. Select Next: Tags.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Arc Tags

  27. Add your appropriate tags.

  28. Select Next: Review + Create

  29. Review your configurations and select Create.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Review and Create

  30. Confirm your Arc-enabled Azure SQL Managed Instance deployment.

    Screenshot of of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - deployment complete.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - resource group.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - status ready

  31. In Azure Data Studio, expand the Connection tab. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click refresh. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click manage. You can now manage your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance from Azure Data Studio.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - in Azure Data Studio

Option 2: Azure Data Studio GUI deployment

This option is available with environments configured in either the directly or indirectly connected mode.

  1. In Azure Data Studio, Right-click on your Arc data controller and select Manage.

  2. Select New Instance.

  3. Select Azure SQL Managed Instance.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Data Studio Azure Arc create resource

  4. Review and accept the EULA.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Data Studio Azure Arc create pre-requisites

  5. Enter a name for your new Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

  6. Set the Admin username for the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

  7. Set the Admin user password for the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance.

  8. Choose your Service tier.

  9. Select 'I already have a SQL Server License' if you have Azure Hybrid Benefits.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Data Studio Azure Arc create details

  10. Select Default for the data storage class.

  11. Set the data volume size in gigabytes.

  12. Select Default for the datalogs storage class.

  13. Set the datalogs (transaction log files) volume size in gigabytes.

  14. Select Default for the logs storage class.

  15. Set the logs volume size in gigabytes.

  16. Your backup storage class needs to be ReadWriteMany (RWX) capable.

  17. Set the backup volume size in gigabytes.

  18. Set the CPU vCore request.

  19. Set the CPU vCore limit.

  20. Set the memory request in gigabytes.

  21. Set the memory limit in gigabytes.

  22. Click Deploy.

Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Azure Data Studio Azure Arc create resource details.

The deployment opens up a notebook called deploy.sql.existing.arc, which will automatically start executing each of the cells. Once the deployment has completed, refresh the Arc data controller dashboard window.

  1. Confirm your Arc-enabled Azure SQL Managed Instance deployment.

Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - resource group details.

Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - status details.

  1. In Azure Data Studio, expand the Connection tab. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click refresh. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click manage. You can now manage your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance from Azure Data Studio.

Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - manage in Azure Data Studio

Option 3: Azure portal Cloud Shell deployment

This option is only available with environments configured in the directly connected mode.

  1. In the Azure portal open Cloud Shell.

  2. Prepare your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance creation parameters:

    $Env:MyResourceGroup = 'enter your resource group name here'
    $Env:MyCluster = 'enter your kubernetes cluster name here'
    $Env:Mylocation = 'enter your location here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocation = 'enter your custom location name here'
    $Env:ServiceTier = 'enter General Purpose or Business Critical here>'
    $Env:DevUse = 'true'  ## only if the evironment is not production
    $Env:Replicas = '1'   ## Values (1,2,3) based on the tier level chosen
    $Env:SQLLicenseType = 'enter BasePrice or LicenseIncluded'  ##based on you having Azure Hybrid Benefits
    $Env:sql-managed-instanceName = 'enter your arc-enabled sql managed instance name here>'
    $Env:sql-managed-instanceAdminUser = 'enter your sql mi admin account name here>'
    $Env:DataStorageClass = 'default'
    $Env:DataLogsStorageClass = 'default'
    $Env:LogsStorageClass = 'default'
    $ENV:BackupsStorageClass = 'azurefile' ## requires to be RWX capable`
    $Env:BackupRetentionDays = ''
    $Env:DataVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:DatalogsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:LogsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:BackupsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:CoresRequest = '2' ## Set the number of cores to start with
    $Env:CoresLimit = '4' ## Set the maximum number of cores
    $Env:MemoryRequest = '4Gi' ## Set your memory limit appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:MemoryLimit = '8Gi' ## Set your maximum memory limit appropriately in gigabytes

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Local environment variables.

  3. Execute the following az sql mi-arc create command:

    az sql mi-arc create --name $Env:sql-managed-instanceName `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --replicas $Env:Replicas `
        --cores-request $Env:CoresRequest `
        --cores-limit $Env:CoresLimit `
        --memory-request $Env:MemoryRequest `
        --memory-limit $Env:MemoryLimit `
        --storage-class-data $Env:DataStorageClass `
        --storage-class-datalogs $Env:DataLogsStorageClass `
        --storage-class-logs $Env:LogsStorageClass `
        --storage-class-backups $ENV:BackupsStorageClass `
        --volume-size-data $Env:DataVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-datalogs $Env:DatalogsVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-logs $Env:LogsVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-backups $Env:BackupsVolumeSize `
        --tier $Env:ServiceTier `
        --dev `
        --license-type $Env:SQLLicenseType `
        --cores-limit $Env:CoresLimit
  4. Enter your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance admin account and password when prompted.

  5. Confirm your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance deployment.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - completely deployed resource group.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Deployed2

  6. In Azure Data Studio, expand the Connection tab. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click refresh. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click manage. You can now manage your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance from Azure Data Studio.

Option 4: Azure Data Studio terminal deployment

This option is available with environments configured in either the directly or indirectly connected mode.

  1. In the Azure portal open Cloud Shell.

  2. Prepare your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance creation parameters:

    $Env:MyResourceGroup = 'enter your resource group name here'
    $Env:MyCluster = 'enter your kubernetes cluster name here'
    $Env:Mylocation = 'enter your location here'
    $Env:MyCustomlocation = 'enter your custom location name here'
    $Env:ServiceTier = 'enter General Purpose or Business Critical here>'
    $Env:DevUse = 'true'  ## only if the evironment is not production
    $Env:Replicas = '1'   ## Values (1,2,3) based on the tier level chosen
    $Env:SQLLicenseType = 'enter BasePrice or LicenseIncluded'  ##based on you having Azure Hybrid Benefits
    $Env:sql-managed-instanceName = 'enter your arc-enabled sql managed instance name here>'
    $Env:sql-managed-instanceAdminUser = 'enter your sql mi admin account name here>'
    $Env:DataStorageClass = 'default'
    $Env:DataLogsStorageClass = 'default'
    $Env:LogsStorageClass = 'default'
    $ENV:BackupsStorageClass = 'azurefile' ## requires to be RWX capable`
    $Env:BackupRetentionDays = ''
    $Env:DataVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:DatalogsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:LogsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:BackupsVolumeSize = '5Gi' ## Adjust your volume size appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:CoresRequest = '2' ## Set the number of cores to start with
    $Env:CoresLimit = '4' ## Set the maximum number of cores
    $Env:MemoryRequest = '4Gi' ## Set your memory limit appropriately in gigabytes
    $Env:MemoryLimit = '8Gi' ## Set your maximum memory limit appropriately in gigabytes

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - environment variables for console.

  3. Execute the following az sql mi-arc create command:

    az sql mi-arc create --name $Env:sql-managed-instanceName `
        --resource-group $Env:MyResourceGroup `
        --location $Env:Mylocation `
        --custom-location $Env:MyCustomlocation `
        --replicas $Env:Replicas `
        --cores-request $Env:CoresRequest `
        --cores-limit $Env:CoresLimit `
        --memory-request $Env:MemoryRequest `
        --memory-limit $Env:MemoryLimit `
        --storage-class-data $Env:DataStorageClass `
        --storage-class-datalogs $Env:DataLogsStorageClass `
        --storage-class-logs $Env:LogsStorageClass `
        --storage-class-backups $ENV:BackupsStorageClass `
        --volume-size-data $Env:DataVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-datalogs $Env:DatalogsVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-logs $Env:LogsVolumeSize `
        --volume-size-backups $Env:BackupsVolumeSize `
        --tier $Env:ServiceTier `
        --dev `
        --license-type $Env:SQLLicenseType `
        --cores-limit $Env:CoresLimit
  4. Enter your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance admin account and password when prompted.

  5. Confirm your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance deployment.

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Deployed

    Screenshot of Azure Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance - Deployed2

  6. In Azure Data Studio, expand the Connection tab. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click refresh. Right-click on your Arc data controller and click manage. You can now manage your Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance from Azure Data Studio.