Discover key steps for SAP HANA installation using HDBLCM
This section provides the essential steps for a manual, single-instance SAP HANA installation using SAP HDBLCM for a distributed SAP NetWeaver 7.5 installation.
- Create an Azure virtual network.
- Deploy two Azure Virtual Machines using the Azure Resource Manager deployment model. This example uses SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3.
- Attach Standard or Premium data disks to the application server virtual machine.
- Attach Premium data disks to the HANA DB server virtual machine.
- Create striped volumes using the attached disk. Use either logical volume management (LVM) or a multiple-devices administration (MDADM) tool at the OS level inside the virtual machine.
- Create XFS file systems on the attached disks or logical volumes.
- Mount the new volumes at the OS level. Use separate volumes for the SAP binaries, /sapmnt directory, and backups. On the SAP HANA DB server, mount the XFS file systems on the premium storage disks as /hana and /usr/sap. This process is necessary to prevent the root file system from filling up. The root file system isn't large on Linux Azure Virtual Machines.
- Add entries representing Azure Virtual Machines to the /etc/hosts file.
- Add the
parameter to the /etc/fstab file. - Set Linux kernel parameters according to the Linux OS release you use.
- Add swap space.
- Optionally, install a graphical desktop on the test virtual machines. Otherwise, use a remote SAPinst installation.
- Download the SAP software from the SAP Service Marketplace.
- Create a group, sapsys, with group ID 1001, on the HANA DB server virtual machine.
- Install SAP HANA on the DB server virtual machine by using HANA database lifecycle manager.
- Install the SAP ASCS instance on the app server virtual machine.
- Share the /sapmnt directory using NFS. The application server virtual machine is the NFS server.
- Install the database instance by using SWPM on the DB server virtual machine.
- Install the primary application server (PAS) on the application server virtual machine.
- Start SAP Management Console (SAP MC). Connect with SAP GUI or HANA Studio.