Summary and resources


In this module you were introduced to some important security and compliance concepts. You learned about the shared responsibility model and how the workload responsibilities vary depending on where the workload is hosted. You learned how a defense in-depth strategy uses a series of mechanisms to slow the advance of an attack. You learned about the guiding principles of Zero Trust and how the six foundational pillars work together to enforce organization security policies. Lastly, you were introduced to the concepts of encryption and hashing as ways to secure your data and some basic concepts related to data compliance.

Now that you've completed this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the shared responsibility and the defense in-depth security models.
  • Describe the Zero-Trust model.
  • Describe the concepts of encryption and hashing.
  • Describe some basic compliance concepts.

Learn more

To learn more about the topics discussed in this module, see: