

Microsoft Entra Verified ID is a managed verifiable credentials service that enables organizations to issue and verify credentials in a manner that is cryptographically secure and compliant to privacy requirements. The service is based on a decentralized identity model that gives users and organizations control over their identities and when and how their identities are shared. At the core of the Microsoft Entra Verified ID service, or any service that employs a decentralized identity model, is a new type of open standards-based identifier, called a decentralized identifier or DID.

The objective of this module is to provide the reader with an understanding of decentralized identifiers and how they're used to issue and verify credentials, in a way that delivers on the promise of a decentralized identity system where users control their identities.

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Describe the challenges with current digital identities and credentials.
  • Describe decentralized identifiers (DIDs).
  • Describe what makes DIDs different than other identifiers.
  • Describe how Verifiable credentials work.