On-premises implementation - analysis


This unit is a summary of the analysis step of an on-premises implementation of finance and operations apps, known as Dynamics 365 for Finance + Operations (on-premises).

Complete Lifecycle Services project configuration

This is the same as for cloud implementation.

On-premises license

In Project settings, under Organization and ownership, in the License serial number field, enter the serial number that is in the Properties section of the on-premises license file that you downloaded. Lifecycle Services uses the serial number to validate whether your organization has valid on-premises licenses.

Invite your project team

This is the same as for cloud implementation.

Sign up for ProQ project quality monitoring

The ProQ tool measures the teamwork in your project and provides a weekly report that helps prevent failure. This report helps you to improve project governance for customers, vendors, and service providers.

Deploy a demo environment

Deploy an environment for users to get familiar with the product and to use for documenting standard business processes.

Capture business processes and requirements

The detailed business process analysis defines business processes that should be implemented in the future and identifies where specific functionality will be used. At the same time, this analysis identifies gaps in functionality that may need to be resolved by a workaround, a change in business practice, or modification of the system.

Perform a fit/gap analysis

After you identify the business processes and requirements, a thorough analysis of each requirement is required to assess if it can be met by the standard product.

Download templates

Download the available templates for your data configuration. This will help complete the basic setup and configuration.

Sign-off requirements and business processes

After you have captured the business processes and completed a fit/gap analysis, review them with the customer. After the customer signs off, you can mark this task as complete.

Estimate setup infrastructure needs

To estimate the infrastructure setup needed for on-premises deployment, refer to the infrastructure estimation guide in System requirements for on-premises deployments.

Upload first iteration of setup and configuration

After you complete the setup of your first set of data configuration, you can upload the data into the Solution asset library.

Publish plan and milestone dates

After the analysis and fit/gap exercises, you should refine your project plan and have more qualified milestone dates.

Update Lifecycle Services to ensure that all parties are working off the same timeline.