Assess experiences and define goals


Today, trying to achieve outcomes without smart technology is like aiming arrows with a blindfold. By applying intelligence to data generated by everyday work to understand how work is done, Microsoft Viva Insights explains and predicts the impact of work patterns on the outcomes your business cares about and supports the wellbeing of your employees. Note the deep insights and recommendations that Viva Insights AI provides to employees within their everyday workflow.

Diagram showing how deep insights and recommendations are surfaced by Viva Insights in your everyday workflow.

A top-down and bottom-up approach to organizational change

With this intelligent tool providing real data on employee habits, your managers can see how best to guide and support their workforce toward organizational goals and best practices for wellbeing, and each employee regularly receives personalized notes, recommendations, and offerings of relevant tools and materials that kindle their own interest in both self-care and productivity.

Analyze your assumptions, use data, and set new goals with Viva Insights

Viva Insights is a workplace analytics tool designed to surface meaningful insights into how work is accomplished. It can help individuals and teams in your organization find balance between productivity and wellbeing to create fulfilling employee experiences.

As you prepare for rollout, gather your team to take a critical look at your organization and reach agreement on your goals. Focusing on the right topics and questions can help to ensure that all your stakeholders are aligned.

Here are recommended topics to discuss with stakeholders prior to rollout:

  • Your organization's current culture, employee experience, goals, and target scenarios

  • A careful analysis of the productivity and efficiency of remote vs. onsite employees

  • A close look at employee work habits, mental health, wellbeing, and meeting culture

  • The effectiveness of your managers and leaders at coaching, retaining, and empowering their employees

In the discussion, we recommend that your team write down the common beliefs you have about employee engagement, retention, and well-being. Afterward, alongside those assumptions, write the tool you're using to measure the data that validates them. For example, you may think that remote employees aren't using time effectively. Ask what measurement tool provides the data to support or contradict belief. If there's no such tool, note that as well.

Consider personalizing these questions to better match your organization or adding your own.

Look at your current assumptions and systems

  • What is our meeting and email culture like?

  • Do our employees feel empowered to set boundaries on work and home life?

  • How are managers equipped to optimize employee experience?

  • How do we support coaching and development for employees?

  • How do we think about workplace flexibility?

  • What assumptions do we have about how effectively work gets done?

Define your goals and target scenarios

  • Which aspects of our culture do we want to reinforce or change?

  • How does a focus on wellbeing benefit employees and the business?

  • How do we want to differentiate ourselves through our employee experience?

  • What rituals do we want to build into the day that help employee experience?

  • How will we use data to help people work more effectively?

  • How will we validate our assumptions about employee productivity with data?

In the next unit, you'll discover the distinct insights that Viva Insights provides to leadership and individuals.