Interact with Azure Content Delivery Networks by using .NET


You can use the Azure CDN Library for .NET to automate creation and management of CDN profiles and endpoints. Install the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Cdn directly from the Visual Studio Package Manager console or with the .NET CLI.

In this unit, you see code examples illustrating common actions.

Create a CDN client

The following example shows creating a client by using the CdnManagementClient class.

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Create CDN client
    CdnManagementClient cdn = new CdnManagementClient(new TokenCredentials(authResult.AccessToken))
        { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };

List CDN profiles and endpoints

The following method lists all the profiles and endpoints in our resource group. If it finds a match for the profile and endpoint names specified in our constants it notes it for later so we don't try to create duplicates.

private static void ListProfilesAndEndpoints(CdnManagementClient cdn)
    // List all the CDN profiles in this resource group
    var profileList = cdn.Profiles.ListByResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
    foreach (Profile p in profileList)
        Console.WriteLine("CDN profile {0}", p.Name);
        if (p.Name.Equals(profileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // Hey, that's the name of the CDN profile we want to create!
            profileAlreadyExists = true;

        //List all the CDN endpoints on this CDN profile
        var endpointList = cdn.Endpoints.ListByProfile(p.Name, resourceGroupName);
        foreach (Endpoint e in endpointList)
            Console.WriteLine("-{0} ({1})", e.Name, e.HostName);
            if (e.Name.Equals(endpointName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // The unique endpoint name already exists.
                endpointAlreadyExists = true;

Create CDN profiles and endpoints

The following example shows creating an Azure CDN profile.

private static void CreateCdnProfile(CdnManagementClient cdn)
    if (profileAlreadyExists)
        Console.WriteLine("Profile {0} already exists.", profileName);
        Console.WriteLine("Creating profile {0}.", profileName);
        ProfileCreateParameters profileParms =
            new ProfileCreateParameters() { Location = resourceLocation, Sku = new Sku(SkuName.StandardVerizon) };
        cdn.Profiles.Create(profileName, profileParms, resourceGroupName);

Once the profile is created, we create an endpoint.

private static void CreateCdnEndpoint(CdnManagementClient cdn)
    if (endpointAlreadyExists)
        Console.WriteLine("Endpoint {0} already exists.", endpointName);
        Console.WriteLine("Creating endpoint {0} on profile {1}.", endpointName, profileName);
        EndpointCreateParameters endpointParms =
            new EndpointCreateParameters()
                Origins = new List<DeepCreatedOrigin>() { new DeepCreatedOrigin("Contoso", "") },
                IsHttpAllowed = true,
                IsHttpsAllowed = true,
                Location = resourceLocation
        cdn.Endpoints.Create(endpointName, endpointParms, profileName, resourceGroupName);

Purge an endpoint

A common task that we might want to perform is purging the content in our endpoint.

private static void PromptPurgeCdnEndpoint(CdnManagementClient cdn)
    if (PromptUser(String.Format("Purge CDN endpoint {0}?", endpointName)))
        Console.WriteLine("Purging endpoint. Please wait...");
        cdn.Endpoints.PurgeContent(resourceGroupName, profileName, endpointName, new List<string>() { "/*" });