

The Flip Discovery Library is the perfect spot to find inspiration from fellow educators and amazing featured Discovery partners. Here you can find ready-to-use discussion prompts that are sure to get your students talking!

Photograph of a computer open to the Discovery Library site.

Access the Discovery Library at the top of your educator admin

You can search for topics based on subject, community, or keyword. Once you have found a topic that you want to use with your students, select the Add Topic button and choose which group you want to host the topic. Here you can choose from existing groups or create a new one.

When you select a topic, it becomes editable so that you can have it perfectly suit your needs. You can add/change/update any element of the topic in order to personalize the content for your classroom.

You can edit every aspect of the topic and customize settings such as Recording Time, Video Moderation, add attachments, and more! When you're ready to engage your learners, simply share the join code with them.

Share with the community - Create your own discovery topics!

By contributing to the Discovery Library, you’re helping your fellow educators learn unique ways to implement Flip as they seek to transform learning and amplify student voice! And because you're sharing only the Topic template (and none of your student content), you're free to share to your heart's content.

Flipgrid is now Flip!

The same product you know and love has a new look and improved features—all inspired by our community. Flip is for the classroom, the home, and wherever you want to take it!

Read more about this recent change!

Learning objectives

  • Access and navigate the Discovery Library in Flip to find launch-ready topics to use with your learning community.
  • Save and use topics, as well as submit your own topics to be included in the Discovery Library for others to use.