Prepare the survey to use on a website


When an organization decides to embed a Dynamics 365 Customer Voice survey onto their website, they need to consider certain elements beforehand. Any embedded survey on a webpage will be used to capture anonymous responses. In other words, the survey creators don't know ahead of time who will fill out the questions; therefore, they can't customize the survey by using variables as they would for a survey that is triggered by changes to data in Microsoft Dataverse. Thus, the decision to embed the survey should be made knowing that a name and email question will be required if any follow-up action is desired. We recommend that you keep surveys that are embedded on a website separate from surveys that will be used with personalization variables.

When you are evaluating the purpose of the form, understand that the more questions asked, the less likely it will be completed by an anonymous respondent. Too many questions, or too many sections through multiple pages, will cause the respondent to become tired of scrolling through the survey, wondering how long it is or if it will it ever end. Try to keep the survey concise. In addition to a first name, last name, and email address, consider what other data is needed, such as a column for a phone number or a comments column where website visitors can enter questions or information that they want to share.

Avoid being overly complicated with branding on the survey. Simple is better so that it conforms with the webpage that it's embedded into. Consider that the survey will have a color background behind the survey text, which will also be used on the Submit button.

Additionally, consider the need for any variables. For example, an anonymous, embedded survey could be used on multiple webpages to capture leads who are interested in a specific product or service. When you embed the survey, a value can be passed through to a variable so that a variable named URL or ProductPage (or something similar) could be useful.

After you have considered these different factors, you can embed the survey.