

Understanding Dyslexic Thinking is crucial for helping students thrive. With the rapid advances in technology and AI, the way we learn, work, and live is transforming. The Top 5 skills now needed in the workplace are an exact match for Dyslexic Thinking. This module helps you understand what Dyslexic Thinking is, and how easy it is to empower through classroom support and advocacy.

This module sits alongside Made By Dyslexia’s other modules in the Dyslexia Training pathway on the Microsoft Learn Educator Center.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the seven Dyslexic Thinking skills in children.
  • Explain why Dyslexic Thinking skills are vital in the workplace.
  • Create inclusive classrooms where Dyslexic Thinkers thrives.
  • Describe how technology and responsible AI can transform dyslexic learning and teaching.