Exercise: Enhance content creation and collaboration skills


As a Marketing executive at a global marketing agency called Relecloud, you're responsible for creating and managing content across various platforms. You want to use Copilot in Word to develop a marketing report and collaborate on marketing campaign ideas for your latest client, Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm. You then plan to use Copilot in PowerPoint to create a marketing analysis presentation for Munson's senior management team.

Prepare a marketing report

One of your regular tasks is to review marketing reports for clients, summarizing campaign performance, market trends, and recommendations. These reports involve extensive research, data analysis, and content writing. From past experience, you know that creating these reports from scratch is a time-consuming process. You also struggle at times to ensure consistency in language and tone across different sections. Finally, it's quite challenging to find relevant keywords and phrases to optimize content for search engines.

One of Relecloud's junior associates notified you that they created a brief outline for a new project involving Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm. Munson's started out as a mom-and-pop business in eastern Washington state that sold canned pickles and preserves. In the course of five years, Munson's has grown into a multimillion-dollar business selling their wares throughout western Canada and the Pacific coast of the U.S. They're ready to expand their operation, beginning with the central Canadian provinces and the upper Midwest (US).

You must download the marketing report by selecting the following link: Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm - Marketing report.

The report includes an Executive Summary and an Introduction. However, after reviewing the report, you can see that you have much work to do to mold it into a workable marketing plan. The Executive Summary includes details that aren't substantiated with any supporting documentation. You also found that the Introduction was far from a normal "introduction." It includes an assortment of ideas and background data that should be separated from the Introduction.

You want to use Copilot in Word to review the report, rewrite these two sections, and add relevant content based on its existing text, helping you build the report faster. You also want Copilot to suggest improvements, which you can choose to accept or modify, saving you time and effort. You want Copilot to begin with this outline and then modify it to include the following areas:

  • Executive summary
  • Market definition and size
  • Competitor analysis
  • Market share estimates
  • Customer segmentation
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis
  • Marketing strategies and tactics
  • Performance metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Risks and mitigation strategies

As you use Copilot, you want it to focus on keyword optimization. To do so, you want Copilot to generate a list of relevant keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes that are based on industry trends and client-specific terms. You want Copilot to seamlessly integrate these keywords into the report.

In summary, you want Copilot to turn this brief outline into a workable marketing report.

Collaborate on marketing campaign ideas

Relecloud’s marketing team met last week to collaborate on campaign ideas, brainstorming sessions, and project planning related to the Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm project. They consolidated all their findings into one massive collection of marketing campaign ideas.

You should download this report by selecting the following link: Marketing campaign ideas for Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm.

You now want to streamline communication and idea-sharing between your executive team and representatives from Munson's. To do so, use Copilot in Word to analyze this campaign ideas report and create a new report from it titled "Top five marketing campaign ideas to support Munson's Canadian and US expansion." This new report should summarize the findings of this marketing campaign ideas report, highlighting key ideas and potential action items. The new report should include:

  • Summarized key points. To provide an overview of the content, create a summary of the main points and recommendations at the beginning of the report.
  • Top five campaign ideas. Review all the campaign ideas and determine the top five ideas that have the greatest potential for impacting Munson's sales and success.
  • Visual aids. To make the report attractive and easier to understand, include charts, graphs, and images.
  • Proper formatting. Ensure that the report is well-formatted, with clear headings, subheadings, and consistent font styles and sizes. Possibly change some of the more text-heavy sections into table formats to see if it provides a more succinct presentation of ideas.

Once you make these updates, you can then share this report with your counterparts at Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm. You plan to create a PowerPoint presentation based on this report. As such, save this "Top marketing campaign ideas" report for use in the next phase of your project.

Prepare an executive summary presentation

At this point, you finished your report outlining the "Top marketing campaign ideas to support Munson's Canadian and US expansion." Your final step in this marketing effort is to create a PowerPoint presentation based on this report, which you plan to present to the senior management at Munson's Pickles and Preserves Farm. You want to use Copilot in PowerPoint to create this presentation.

Make the presentation visually attractive and ensure its tone is professional. Select a theme based on gardens or fruit, if at all possible. Keep it light and airy. The presentation should focus on the top five campaign ideas that you selected from your marketing team's report. Ensure that your presentation includes the facts as to why you selected each of the top five campaign ideas. Verify that Copilot included speaker notes in each slide.