Exercise: Create interview questions using Copilot in Loop


Microsoft Copilot in Loop is a powerful tool that can help teams collaborate more effectively and efficiently. With Copilot in Loop, you can create workspaces and pages, use intelligent search and templates to add relevant content, and share your work with others. Copilot in Loop can suggest ideas and help start projects, making it easier to get going when you find yourself stuck. It can draft texts, create tables, generate code for tech projects, and even answer questions quickly.

As an HR professional, you're drawn to the fact that Copilot in Loop can assist you through so many aspects of the HR experience - from the hiring process, to managing employees, to handling important documents, to managing internal communications.

In this exercise, you want Copilot to help with the hiring process for a new role. While you used Copilot in Word in the prior exercise to screen resumes, you want to use Copilot in Loop to create a list of interview questions for the top candidates. During this creation process, you want to see whether Copilot in Loop can amend the list of questions based on your direction.


As the HR Manager at the Graphic Design Institute, you used Copilot in Word to compare resumes for a new Senior Animation Designer role. In this exercise, you continue that hiring journey by using Copilot in Microsoft 365 to develop a set of interview questions that you can use when interviewing the top candidates.

While you realize that you can also use Copilot in Word and Microsoft Copilot (Bing chat) to create interview questions, you decide to use Copilot in Loop. You're attracted to the fact that you can collaborate with others on your HR team in real-time on the same Loop component, using different apps and devices, and see the changes instantly. Perform the following steps to have Copilot in Loop generate interview questions:

  1. If you have Microsoft 365 open in a tab, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, open a new tab in your Microsoft Edge browser, and then enter the following URL: https://www.office.com

  2. In Microsoft 365, select Loop if it appears in the left-hand navigation pane. If it doesn't appear there, then select Apps, and on the Apps page, scroll down to locate Loop and then select it.

  3. In Microsoft Loop, select Get Started.

  4. In Loop, the Workspaces tab is displayed by default. You want to create a new workspace for this project, so select the + icon to create a new workspace.

  5. In the Create a new workspace window, enter Interview questions for your workspace name, and then select either the Continue or Create button that appears (depending on your Loop version).

  6. In the Add files to your workspace window (depending on your version of Loop, this window may say Workspace Switcher), select Create workspace.

  7. You're now in the first page for your new workspace. The name of the page is currently Untitled. Note the page (Untitled) also appears in the left-hand navigation pane. In the main body of the page, select in the Untitled field and change the name of the page to: 15 interview questions for the Senior Animation Designer role. Note how the page name is automatically updated in the navigation pane.

  8. In the Just start typing... field, enter a forward slash (/).

  9. In the drop-down menu that appears, under the Copilot section at the top of the menu, select Draft page content.

  10. In the Copilot window that appears, enter the following prompt and select the Submit icon:

    Create a list of the 15 best interview questions that should be asked to candidates applying for a new Senior Animation Designer role at the Graphic Design Institute.

  11. Review the list of questions. You feel this initial list is a good start, but you notice a few types of questions are missing. In the Copilot pane that appears, enter the following prompt:

    Add a question about having failed at a project and what they learned from it.

  12. Review the new question that Loop created. After scanning the list one last time, you realize that it includes few, if any questions about leadership. To correct this situation, enter the following prompt:

    As a Senior Animation Designer, the candidate is expected to lead their design team on projects. Ask them to talk about a couple of their most significant experiences in leading other design team members, and what their leadership style is.

  13. Note what happened in Loop. When you request a change without specifically asking it to update the current page, Copilot may open a new page and make the change there rather than in the current page, as it did in the prior prompt. When it does so, note how in the Copilot pane it tracks the prompts, with the most recent prompt appearing at the top of the pane.

    Select a previous prompt. Note how the content on the page appears in a lighter font. Also attempt to select the Rewrite with Copilot prompt field. Copilot disables this field since it's not the current page. The current page is also referred to as the active page. Now select the latest prompt and note how the content is clear, indicating this page is the current, or active page. You can only amend the active page, which is why on this page, you can select into the Rewrite with Copilot prompt field.

  14. Let's make one more change. You're unsure as to whether the current list of questions is sufficient. To play it safe, you decide to ask Copilot in Loop to recommend some more questions. Enter the following prompt:

    Are there any other questions that you think should be added to the list?

  15. Note the final list of questions that Copilot in Loop generated. You now have a vast assortment of questions to choose from when interviewing your candidates. And with Loop, you know that others on your HR team can see these questions in real-time on the same Loop component, even if they're using different apps and devices.