Examine your comfort zone


In this exercise, you'll look at some situations and determine whether something is in your comfort zone.

Review the following tasks

Review the following prompts. For each one, decide whether it's inside your comfort zone, outside your comfort zone, or if you feel neutral about it.

Task Inside Outside Neutral
Onboarding to a new team or supervisor
Pitching an idea to a group
Trying something new for the first time
Taking a class where all your classmates seem to have been born with computer science knowledge
Creating a website
Answering a question in class
Introducing yourself to a new group
Pitching your idea at a hackathon


Spend a few minutes thinking about your answers to the following questions.

  • What was interesting or surprising to you about the prompts?
  • Did you find yourself thinking, "This is so me" or "That's right up my alley"?
  • Were there some situations where you thought, "I can't do that" or "That's not me"?