

The AI Specification document is the deliverable of an Autonomous AI brain design architect. It's a very effective communication tool for all stakeholders, including subject matter experts, business owners, and brain builders. It contains all relevant aspects of an Autonomous AI use case and its corresponding brain design.

You'll use it to communicate with subject matter experts (SME) to ensure you've understood the challenge correctly and agree on the problem you want to solve and how you're going to solve it. You'll also use it to create the presentation to communicate with the business owners that will fund the implementation of your Autonomous AI brain design. Finally, it's a living document that will reflect any changes to the brain design that you include after talking with SMEs or business owners in an iterative process, and during implementation time to tune up the brain until the best performance is obtained.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand how to fill out an AI Specification document for a use case of your choice


  • Basic knowledge of Automated Intelligence
  • Basic knowledge of Autonomous Intelligence
  • Basic knowledge of Machine Teaching
  • Basic knowledge of Brain Design Patterns
  • Basic knowledge of selecting use cases for Autonomous AI