Discuss the Windows Package Manager repository


Windows Package Manager Community Repository

Windows Package Manager's default source of software is the Windows Package Manager Community Repository. This is an open-source location where contributions and suggestions are welcomed from the community to grow the repository and improve it.

The repository is made up of YAML files that contain the information that is needed to install, uninstall, and update software through the Windows Package Manager.

To browse a Windows Package Manage repository perform the following steps:

manifests / m / Microsoft / PowerShell /
  • The first directory, manifests is the top-level location.

  • The M directory is to help collect all software made by companies whose name begins with the letter m.

  • The Microsoft directory stores all metadata about software made by Microsoft.

  • The PowerShell directory stores the metadata relating to all the versions of the PowerShell install.

  • And the last directory stores the metadata for that specific version, with this example the install for PowerShell

  • An understanding of the directory structure is critical if you wish to contribute to the repository.


The following video walks through the Windows Package Manager Community Repository and talks about each of the sections where you can interact and find information from.

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