Evaluating the efficacy of AI systems


Using an AI system requires understanding of how the system works, what the system's capabilities are, and how to achieve the system's best performance. To provide learners with a seamless and practical learning experience, you must ensure the proper performance and efficiency of the AI system you deploy.

Here are a few approaches you can use to optimize the AI system's performance:

  1. How someone develops an AI system influences the AI system's performance. AI systems used for learning experiences must be created with fairness and inclusivity in mind. Fairness is a multi-dimensional and sociotechnical topic that impacts many different aspects of the learning experience.

    • You can consider how well the AI system performs for different groups of learners by looking at the accuracy of the model and measuring the performance of the complete AI system. Research has shown that when there was no conscious effort made to improve performance for all groups, then an AI system's performance varied across different groups based on factors such as race, ethnicity, language, gender, and age.
  2. How you interact with an AI system influences its performance. Whether you are using transcribed speech, scanned photos, or textual documents, the quality, fidelity, and formatting of input data have a substantial impact. By carefully curating input data, you can achieve more precise outcomes and increase the AI system's ability to provide reliable insights.

    • Utilizing accurate spelling, punctuation marks, and capitalization while using an AI system can enhance the coherence and precision of the results.
    • Incorporating various languages can pose a barrier to achieving accuracy. AI systems excel when they are applied to text written in a single language. You should use monolingual input to ensure a smooth and precise output.
  3. How you monitor an AI system influences its performance. When you rely on AI systems to serve learners, you must monitor the AI systems for their availability, performance, and operation.

    • You can set and monitor alerts to identify and address any issues in your system before your learners notice them. You can also determine which actions to take when alerts pop up.
    • You must ensure security and protection for all data you collect, retain, and use in AI systems in order to protect your learner's privacy, safety, and security.

Technology around AI systems is rapidly growing. There are more ways than ever to deploy AI systems in training. By continuously learning and upskilling yourself with AI systems and applications, you can apply best practices to improve your learners' experiences and effectively oversee the AI systems you use.